!!Timothy Walsh - Curriculum Vitae
[Univerity of Oxford|https://www.biology.ox.ac.uk/people/professor-timothy-rutland-walsh]\\
[Ineos Institute at Oxford|https://www.ineosoxford.ox.ac.uk/about/governance-leadership/executive-committee/tim-walsh] 
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*Active collaborations in China, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Nigeria, Niger, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Brazil, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Mozambique, Rwanda, Ethiopia, and Egypt \\
*Honorary Chair at Chinese Agricultural University, Beijing \\
*Director of BALANCE (clinical and economic burden of AMR in LMICs)\\
*Director of BARNARDS (neonatal sepsis and mortality)
__Advisory boards__
*Honorary Chair at Chinese Agricultural University, Beijing \\
*AMR Advisor to the United Nations\\
*International Engagement Officer for British Society of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy\\
*Director of BARNARDS (Burden of Antimicrobial Resistance in Neonates in Developing Societies) AMR infections in neonates funded by Gates Foundation)\\
*Senior Consultant to the Fleming Fund (Mott MacDonald/DoH)[[2017-2023]]\\
*Advisor to the Chinese CDC\\
*Advisor to the Chinese DoH and DoA\\
*Advisor to the ECDC\\
*Advisor and Collaborator to Médecins Sans Frontières\\
*Co-ordinator and presenter of European workshops “HEAR”\\
*Committee member of Children's Antibiotic Resistant infections in Low-Income countries: an international cohort study (BIRDY)
__Selected Research Grant Income__
*2021 - 2026 INEOS Institute of Antimicrobial Research, Oxford. I am Biology lead and Co-director of the IOI (£100M)\\
*2020 - 2023 Wellcome Trust. COVID and AMR (£1.0M)\\
*2019 - 2023 MRC-NSFC. DXC (DETER-XDR-China)-HUB. £2.9M (MR/S013768/1)\\
*2018 - 2022 BBSRC/MOST/NFSC. CUT-SEC (China/UK/Thailand Program on Poultry Biosafety for Salmonella, E. coli and Campylobacter (CUT-SEC). £2.4M (BB/R012776/1)\\
*2016 - 2022 NSFC/MRC – DETER-XDR-CHINA (£1.3M)\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit twalsh}][{ALLOW upload twalsh}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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