!!Hui Wang - Publications
Monographs. Professor Wang Hui has published 22 monographs in Chinese. Please find below six of his monographs in English translation).\\
1. The Rise of Modern Chinese Thought, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 2023.\\
2. China’s Twentieth Century, London/New York, Verso, 2016.\\
3. China from Empire to Nation State , Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 2014.\\
4. Politics of Imagining Asia, ed. Theodore Huters, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2011.\\
5. The End of Revolution: China and the Limits of Modernity, London: Verso, 2009.\\
6. China’s New Order: Society, Politics, and Economy in Transition. Translated by Theodore Huters. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2003.\\
1. Twentieth Century China as an Object of Thought, Modern China 2020 Vol 46(1) 3-48 and Vol 46(2) 115-160.\\
2. Dossier: Wang Hui/ Three Proposals to the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Boundary 2, Volume 46 May 2019(pp.193 209), which includes three essays: 1) “Proposal: Investment in Education Should Be Focused on Investment in People”; 2) “Draft Proposal: Grain Security: Problems and Countermeasures”; 3) “Proposal for the Implementation of Labor Contracts for Migrant Construction Workers: Follow the Mass Line and Achieve the Chinese Dream of Labor Contracts for Migrant Construction Workers”.\\
3. “Political Economy of Social Transformation: China’s Road in a Global Perspective”, in The Palgrave Handbook of Political Economy, pp. 749 767, 2018.\\
4. “Humanities in China”, Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and Middle East, 37:1 2017, pp. 173 176.\\
5. “Crafting a Philosophy for 21st Century Challenges”, Berggruen Insights, Jan. 4th, 2017. “The ‘People’s War and the Legacy of Chinese Revolution”, Socialist Register 2017, Rethinking Revolution, pp. 286-298.\\
6. “Why Culture? The Great War and Du Yaquan’s Civilizational Discourse”, (co author, Minghui Hu), in Cosmopolitanism in China(1600 1950), eds. Minghui Hu and Johan Elverskog, Amherst, New York: Cambria Press, 2016.\\
7. “Public Principle, Times and Cross Border Knowledge”, Annali di Ca’Forscari. Serie Orientale, Vol.51 Giugno 2015 (ISSN 2385 3042), pp. 207 220.\\
8. “The Crisis of Representativeness and Post-Party Politics”, Modern China, March, 2014 40: 214-239.\\
9. “I would not sell democracy to the Chinese”. Part I, Helmut Schmidt/Wang Hui, The World Post, 12-05-2014.\\
10. “Japan Has No Friends In Asia. Neither Does China”. Part II, Helmut Schmidt/Wang Hui, The World Post, 12-05-2014.\\
11. “Why Chinese Civilization has lasted”. Part III, Helmut Schmidt/Wang Hui, The World Post, 12-05-2014.\\
12. “The Equality of all Things and a Society of Inter-Systems”, World Civilization Forum 2012: In Pursuit of Inter-Generational Justice, Tokyo: Japan Economic News Agency, 2013.\\
13. “The Transformation of Culture and Politics: War, Revolution, and the ‘Thought Warfare of 1910s’”, Twentieth--Century China, Volume 38, 2013-Issue 1. pp. 5-38.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit hwang}][{ALLOW upload hwang}][{ALLOW comment All}]