!!Hedda Wardemann - Curriculum Vitae

__Education and degrees:__
*2001: Dr. rer. nat. (Albert-Ludwig-University Freiburg, Germany)\\
*1998 - 2001: Graduate Studies in Immunology, Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology, Freiburg, Germany\\
*1998: Dipl. Biol. (Albert-Ludwig-University Freiburg, Germany)
*2014 - present: Head, Division of B-Cell Immunology, DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany\\
*2006 - 2014: Max Planck Research Group Leader, Research Group Molecular Immunology, Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology, Berlin, Germany\\
*2003 - 2005: Research Assistant Professor, The Rockefeller University, Laboratory of Molecular Immunology, Head: Michel Nussenzweig, New York, USA\\
*2001 - 2003  Postdoctoral Associate, The Rockefeller University, Laboratory of Molecular Immunology, Head: Michel Nussenzweig, New York, USA\\
__Selected publications (last authorship and last 5 years only, excluding reviews):__\\
Imkeller K, Scally SW, Bosch A, Martí GP, Costa G, Triller G, Murugan R, Renna V, Jumaa H, Kremsner PG, Sim BKL, Hoffman SL, Mordmüller B, Levashina E, Julien JP, Wardemann H. Antihomotypic affinity maturation improves human B cell responses against a repetitive epitope. Science 360:1358-1362 (2018).\\
Rollenske T, Szijarto V, Lukasiewicz J, Guachalla LM, Stojkovic K, Hartl K, Stulik L, Kocher S, Lasitschka F, Al-Saeedi M, Schröder-Braunstein J, von Frankenberg M, Gaebelein G, Hoffmann P, Klein S, Heeg K, Nagy E, Nagy G, Wardemann H. Cross-specificity of protective human antibodies against Klebsiella pneumoniae LPS O-antigen. Nat Immunol. 19:617-624 (2018).\\
Murugan R, Buchauer L, Triller G, Kreschel C, Costa G, Pidelaserra Martí G, Imkeller K, Busse CE, Chakravarty S, Sim BKL, Hoffman SL, Levashina EA, Kremsner PG, Mordmüller B, Höfer T, Wardemann H. Clonal selection drives protective memory B cell responses in controlled human malaria infection. Sci Immunol. pii: eaap8029 (2018).\\
Triller G, Scally SW, Costa G, Pissarev M, Kreschel C, Bosch A, Marois E, Sack BK, Murugan R, Salman AM, Janse CJ, Khan SM, Kappe SHI, Adegnika AA, Mordmüller B, Levashina EA, Julien JP, Wardemann H. Natural Parasite Exposure Induces Protective Human Anti-Malarial Antibodies. Immunity. 47:1197-1209 (2017).\\
Scally SW, Murugan R, Bosch A, Triller G, Costa G, Mordmüller B, Kremsner PG, Sim BKL, Hoffman SL, Levashina EA, Wardemann H*, Julien JP*. Rare PfCSP C-terminal antibodies induced by live sporozoite vaccination are ineffective against malaria infection. J. Exp. Med. 215:63-75 (2017). *shared last/corresponding authorship\\
Zimmermann N, Thormann V, Hu B, Köhler AB, Imai-Matsushima A, Locht C, Arnett E, Schlesinger LS, Zoller T, Schürmann M, Kaufmann SH, Wardemann H. Human isotype-dependent inhibitory antibody responses against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. EMBO Mol. Med. 8:1325-1339 (2016).\\
Murugan R, Imkeller K, Busse CE, Wardemann H. Direct high-throughput amplification and sequencing of immunoglobulin genes from single human B cells. Eur J. Immunol. 45:2698-2700 (2015).\\ \\