!!Dongsheng Wen - Biography
Prof. Wen is the 8th Chair of the Institute of Thermodynamics, Technical University of Munich. He received BEng in Aeronautics from Beihang University, MSc in Thermophysics from Tsinghua University and DPhil in Engineering Science from the University of Oxford. Prior to his current position, he was the Chair Professor at the University of Leeds and Beihang University, and had he worked in various academic positions at the Queen Mary University of London.  \\
His research is focused on heat: namely, how heat is produced, transported, stored and utilized across different scales via nanomaterials / nano-surfaces with targeted applications in energy and aerospace engineering. He has taken a multiscale approach, both experimentally and numerically from nanoscale to bulk scale, to investigate fundamentals of flow, heat transfer and reactions across scales, and apply these fundamentals cross-disciplinarily into different sectors. Example applications include i) nanomaterials for improved solar energy applications; ii) nanofuel, i.e., controlled oxidation and combustion of nanoscale energetic materials,  for enhanced propulsion and energy storage; iii) nanowave, i.e., interactions of nanoparticles with an external radiation (EM wave, UV, Vis, solar energy, ultrasound) for nanomedicine and solar energy applications, and iv) nanoEOR: innovative technologies via in-situ nanoparticles production for oil and gas engineering applications.  \\
His research has produced over 20 patents, 350 referred journal publications, with total citation of ~21000 and current H-index = 65.  He is elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Energy Institute and the Institute of Nanotechnology. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Advance in Aerodynamics, Section Editor-in-Chief for Aerospace Science and Engineering, Applied Science, and Associate Editors of Applied Thermal Engineering.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit dwen}][{ALLOW upload dwen}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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