!!Michel Wensing - Selected Publications
__H-index:__ 59, Web of Science-Clarivate statistics (>18000 citations), i10=313.\\
__H-index:__ 90, Google Scholar (>42000 citations), i10=473.\\
__Total:__ >550 peer reviewed indexed publications, >80 non-indexed publications/chapters, and 3 comprehensive books.\\
1. Wensing M, Wilson P. Making implementation science more efficient: capitalising on opportunities beyond the field. Implem Sci 2023;18:40.\\
One of several commentaries on aspects of implementation science as a field of health research, published in the leading journal in the field.\\
2.  Wensing M, Szecsenyi J, Laux G. Continuity in general practice and hospitalization patterns: an observational study. BMC Fam Pract 2021;22:21.\\
Research evidence on continuity of care, a cornerstone of the primary care philosophy, showing that it reduces hospitalization rates among patients chronic disease.\\
3. Arnold C, Koetsenruijter J, Forster J, Peters-Klimm F, Wensing M. Influence of physician networks on prescribing a new ingredient combination in heart failure: a longitudinal claim data-based study. Implem Sci 2021;16:84. \\
Exploration of network effects in the adoption of an innovation by physicians, using advanced quantitative modelling. \\
4. Poss-Doering R, Kamradt M, Stuermlinger A, Glassen K, Kaufmann-Kolle P, Andres E, Wensing M. The complex phenomenon of dysrational antibiotics prescribing decisions in German primary healthcare: A qualitative interview study using Dual Process Theory. Antimicrob Resist Infect Control 2020;9:6.   \\
Analysis of mechanisms of a complex implementation intervention, informed by social science theory. \\
5. Wensing M, Szecsenyi J, Kaufmann-Kolle P, Laux G. Strong primary care and patients’ survival. Sci Rep 2019;9:10859.\\
Research evidence for the positive effect of strong primary care on survival of patients with chronic disease.\\
6. Wensing M, Grol R. Knowledge translation in health: how implementation science could contribute more. BMC Med 2019;17:88.\\
Highly cited commentary (WoS: 162 citations) on 25 years of our research in the field.\\
7. Wensing M. The Tailored Implementation in Chronic Diseases (TICD) project: introduction and main findings. Implem Sci 2017;12:5. \\
Overview an main findings of the TICD project, which comprised five cluster randomized trials of tailored implementation interventions in primary care in five European countries. \\
8. Van Lieshout J, Huntink E, Koetsenruijter J, Wensing M. Tailored implementation of cardiovascular risk management in general practice: a cluster randomized trial. Implem Sci 2016; 11: 115. \\
Cluster randomized trial of an implementation strategy, involving data on 1782 patients in 34 practices.\\
9. Schmidt K, Worrack S, Von Korff M, Davydow D, Brunkhorst F, Ehlert U, Pausch C, Mehlhorn J, Schneider N, Scherag A, Freytag A, Reinhart K, Wensing M, Gensichen J for the SMOOTH Study Group. Effect of primary care management intervention on mental-health-related quality of life among survivors of sepsis: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA 2016; 315:2703-2711. \\
I was involved as main methodologist for health services aspects in this clinical trial. (WoS: 91 citations)\\
10 Flottorp SA, Oxman AD, Krause J, Musila NR, Wensing M, Godycki-Cwirko M, Baker  R, and Eccles MP. A checklist for identifying determinants of practice: a systematic review and synthesis of frameworks and taxonomies of factors that prevent or enable improvements in healthcare professional practice. Implem Sci 2013;8:35. \\
>Highly cited framework for implementation science (WoS: 555 citations), which substantially shaped the identification of factors associated with implementation of practices. I led the TICD-project in which this framework was developed.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit mwensing}][{ALLOW upload mwensing}][{ALLOW comment All}]