!!Nils Wiedemann - Biography
Nils Wiedemann is one of the most preeminent European scientists in mitochondria biology, with internationally leading contributions and with world-wide reputation. He studied chemistry in Frankfurt (Germany), Freiburg (Germany) and at the University of Massachusetts Amherst (USA). He received his PhD with top honors in cell biology. With his postdoctoral work and as group leader at the University of Freiburg he continued his outstanding research on mitochondrial beta-barrel membrane protein biogenesis and moved into exciting questions of insertion of alpha-helical membrane proteins, Fe-S cluster assembly, cardiolipin biogenesis, disulfide bond formation, presequence protein translocation across the inner mitochondrial membrane and the determination of the high confidence mitochondrial proteomes for yeast and human cells (published as senior/corresponding author in CELL, NATURE, SCIENCE, CELL METAB, MOL CELL, EMBO J, J CELL BIOL). He is highly regarded as a leader by the scientific community with links with top-notch European groups . He is a reviewer for European and international funders and external examining/promotion committees worldwide. He has an h-factor 59, was invited to a large number of lectures and performs outstanding training of early career scientists . He received competitive German/EU funding (including a prestigious ERC consolidator grant).\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit nwiedemann}][{ALLOW upload nwiedemann}][{ALLOW comment All}]