!!Heike Wiese - Curriculum Vitae
*2003   Habilitation in Theoretical and German Linguistics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin\\
*1997   PhD in German Linguistics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
*since 2019   Professor (W3), Chair for German in Multilingual Contexts,  Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
*since 2023   Board Member, Cluster of Excellence “The Politics of Inequality”, University of Konstanz\\
*2021 - 2024   Board Member, Alfred-Krupp-Kolleg, Greifswald\\
*since 2020   Co-Director, Center for Language in Urban Diversity, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin / Freie Universität Berlin\\
*since 2015   Member, German Council for Migration
*2008   E-Learning Award for German Bachelor’s Program, University of Potsdam\\
*005   Susanne K. Langer Award for Outstanding Scholarship in the Ecology of Symbolic Form, Media Ecology Association (New York), for the book “Numbers, Language, and the Human Mind” (Cambridge University Press, 2003)\\
*2002   Outstanding Teaching Award, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
*2020-2028  PI, Collaborative Research Center “Register: Language Users’ Knowledge of Situational-Functional Variation”, German Science Foundation\\
*2018-2024  Lead PI (Sprecherin), Research Unit “Emerging Grammars in Language Contact Situations”, German Science Foundation\\
*2017-2021  PI and (until 2019) Executive Member, Collaborative Research Center “Limits of Variability in Language”\\
*2016-2019  PI, Project “Namdeutsch: The Dynamics of German in a Multilingual Context”, German Science Foundation
2 Habilitations, 13 PhDs, 32 Master’s\\
6 monographs, 7 edited volumes, 81 articles and chapters\\
79 invited plenaries and colloquia, 115 conference presentations, 29 public talks\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit hwiese}][{ALLOW upload hwiese}][{ALLOW comment All}]