!!Heike Wiese - Selected Publications
Wiese, Heike (2023). Grammatical Systems Without Language Borders: Lessons From Free-Range Language. Language Science Press [[Conceptual Foundations of Language Science series]].\\
Wiese, Heike (2022). "Urban contact dialects." In: Salikoko Mufwene & Anna María Escobar (eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Language Contact. Volume II: Multilingualism & Population Structure. Ch.5. Cambridge University Press.\\
Wiese, Heike; Alexiadou, Artemis; Allen, Shanley; Bunk, Oliver; Gagarina, Natalia; Iefremenko, Kateryna; Martynova, Maria; Pashkova, Tatiana; Rizou, Vicky; Schroeder, Christoph; Shadrova, Anna; Szucsich, Luka; Tracy, Rosemarie; Tsehaye, Wintai; Zerbian, Sabine, & Zuban Yulia (2022). "Heritage speakers as part of the native language continuum." Frontiers in Psychology, Special Issue “The notion of the native speaker put to test: Recent research advances”, eds. P. Guijarro-Fuentes, C. Suarez-Gomez, M. Vulchanova, A. Sorace, & V. Vulchanov.\\
Wiese, Heike; Tracy, Rosemarie, & Sennema, Anke (2020). Deutschpflicht auf dem Schulhof? Warum wir Mehrsprachigkeit brauchen. Duden-Verlag.\\
Wiese, Heike, & Labrenz, Annika (2021). "Emoji as graphic discourse markers. Functional and positional associations in German WhatsApp® messages." In D. van Olmen & J. Šinkūnienė (eds.), Pragmatic Markers and Clause Peripheries. Benjamins. pp.277-300.\\
Wiese, Heike, & Müller, Hans G. (2018). "The hidden life of V3: an overlooked word order variant on verb-second." Linguistische Berichte, Special Issue 25 (eds. Mailin Antomo & Sonja Müller): 201-223.\\
Wiese, Heike; Mayr, Katharina; Krämer, Philipp; Seeger, Patrick; Müller, Hans-Georg, & Mezger, Verena (2015). "Changing teachers’ attitudes towards linguistic diversity: Effects of an antibias programme." International Journal of Applied Linguistics.\\
Wiese, Heike (2015). "“This migrants’ babble is not a German dialect!” – The interaction of standard language ideology and ‘us’/‘them’-dichotomies in the public discourse on a multiethnolect." Language in Society 44;3: 341-368.\\
Wiese, Heike (2012). Kiezdeutsch. Ein neuer Dialekt entsteht. München: C. H. Beck.\\
Wiese, Heike (2003). Numbers, Language, and the Human Mind. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit hwiese}][{ALLOW upload hwiese}][{ALLOW comment All}]