!Selected Publications
Web of Science (January 6th, 2022) H-factor 80; 242 Total publications; 24,842 Sum of times cited; 15,114 Citing articles\\
Ohara S, Blankvoort S, Nair RR, Nigro MJ, Nilssen ES, Kentros C, Witter MP (2021) Local projections of layer Vb-to-Va are more prominent in lateral than in medial entorhinal cortex. Elife. Mar 26;10:e67262. doi: 10.7554/eLife.67262. In this paper, the authors describe a potential major game-changer in our views on how the hippocampal memory system interacts with the sensory, motor and cognitive representations in the neocortex\\
Syversen IF, Witter MP, Kobro-Flatmoen A, Goa PE, Navarro Schröder T, Doeller CF (2021) Structural connectivity-based segmentation of the human entorhinal cortex. Neuroimage. Dec 15;245:118723. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118723. Connectional knowledge obtained through extensive comparative animal studies is applied to r(e)define functional units in the human hippocampal memory system.\\
Canto CB, Koganezawa N, Lagartos-Donate MJ, O'Reilly KC, Mansvelder HD, Witter MP (2019) Postnatal development of functional projections from parasubiculum and presubiculum to medial entorhinal cortex in the rat. J. Neurosci. 39:8645-8663. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1623-19.2019. This is one of the  first in a series of papers in which developmental patterns of functional connectivity are used to explain the emergence of functional neuron types relevant for the postnatal development of navigational skills in rodents.\\
Dolleman-van der Weel MJ, Griffin AL, Ito HT, Shapiro ML, Witter MP, Vertes RP, Allen TA (2019) The nucleus reuniens of the thalamus sits at the nexus of a hippocampus and medial prefrontal cortex circuit enabling memory and behavior. Learn. Mem. 26:191-205. doi: 10.1101/lm.048389.118. In this recent and already influential review paper the important contributions of midline thalamic structures in memory is described, integrating the extensive structural and connectivity studies from Witter with behavioral data. This paper led to a second review on the role of midline thalamus in a number of clinical disorders including schizophrenia and epilepsy.\\
Doan TP, Lagartos-Donate MJ, Nilssen ES, Ohara S, Witter MP (2019) Convergent projections from perirhinal and postrhinal cortices suggest a multisensory nature of lateral, but not medial, entorhinal cortex. Cell Rep. 29:617-627.e7. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2019.09.005. Report of groundbreaking experimental data leading to a new concept on the functional differentiation within the entorhinal cortex.\\
Nilssen ES, Doan TP, Nigro MJ, Ohara S, Witter MP (2019) Neurons and networks in the entorhinal cortex: A reappraisal of the lateral and medial entorhinal subdivisions mediating parallel cortical pathways. Hippocampus 29:1238-1254. doi: 10.1002/hipo.23145. A review paper, conceptualizing the importance of the experimental findings of Doan et al 2019, leading to a revised concept on the functional organization of the hippocampal-cortical interactions in learning and memory.\\
Ohara S, Onodera M, Simonsen, ØW, Yoshino R, Hioki H, Iijima T, Tsutsui K-I, Witter MP (2018) Intrinsic projections of layer Vb neurons to layers Va, III and II in the lateral and medial entorhinal cortex of the rat. Cell Rep. 24:107-116. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2018.06.014. One of the two main papers that resulted in the development and subsequent experimental testing on a new concept of hippocampal-cortical interactions.\\
Kobro-Flatmoen A, Witter MP (2016) Reelin-immunoreactive neurons in entorhinal cortex layer II selectively express intracellular amyloid in early Alzheimer’s disease. Neurobiol. Dis. 93:172-183. doi: 10.1016/j.nbd.2016.05.012. In this paper, the authors emphasize that neurons in the entorhinal cortex, traditionally associated with the tau-pathology in Alzheimer’s disease, might be key in the as yet not understood relationship between tau- and amyloid-pathology. This association might eventually turn out to be instrumental to mechanistically understand the onset of AD, and thus lead to new therapeutic approaches.\\
Sugar J, Witter MP (2016) Postnatal development of retrosplenial projections to the parahippocampal region of the rat. eLife, e13925 doi:10.7554/eLife.13925 One of the first in the series on development of the hippocampal navigational system.\\
Couey JJ, Witoelar A, Zhang S-J, Jing Y, Dunn B, Czajkowski R, Moser M-B, Moser EI, Roudi Y, Witter MP (2013) Recurrent inhibitory circuitry as a mechanism for grid cell formation. Nat. Neurosci 16:318-324. doi: 10.1038/nn.3310. Game-changing experimental paper that played an important role in the theoretical conceptualization of gird cells in the entorhinal cortex, by pointing to the unique inhibitory network in entorhinal cortex layer II.
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