!!Qingbo Xu - Biography
Professor Qingbo Xu qualified in Medicine at the University of Innsbruck Medical School in Austria. He was appointed Professor in Cardiovascular Science at St George’s Hospital in 2000 and then to the BHF John Parker Chair of Cardiovascular Sciences at King’s College London in 2006. He has a very prominent international profile in vascular biology as evidenced by numerous invited lectures at national and international scientific meetings, chairing of many research conferences, service on the editorial boards of eminent journals (e.g. Consulting Editor, the American Heart Association Journal ATVB), and membership of national and international committees. He edited the widely used guide ‘Handbook of Mouse Models of Cardiovascular Disease. Professor Xu has been honoured with many prizes and several visiting professorships. He is the President of the Academy of Life Science for Chinese in the UK. Professor Xu’s original work has thus contributed significantly to atherosclerosis research, as indicated by his publication list.  More than 80 papers have over 100 citations.\\
Professor Xu has established a range of collaborative studies with many countries in Europe. As one of the coordinator of the EU research programme, he served as a member of the Guideline preparation for Initiatives and the Grant Review Committee for EU and National Science Foundation in Ireland, where a significant component of collaborative programme with the other EU countries has been included. He serves as an international ambassador to promote collaborative study via influencing policy makers, the public and the scientific community at large among the EU and UK. Finally, he has been an exemplary mentor in the training of new physician scientists. At present, 22 MD/PhD students that trained in his laboratory have been promoted to Professorships and/or Department Chairs internationally. Thus, Professor Xu could contribute to the Academy’s objectives by delivering world-class medical research, promoting collaboration in medical study internationally and providing high quality training for future leading physician scientists.\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit qxu}][{ALLOW upload qxu}][{ALLOW comment All}]
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