!!Tong Yang - Selected Publications
1. Wei-Xi Li, Nader Masmoudi and Tong Yang, Well-posedness in Gevrey function space for 3D Prandtl equations without structural assumption, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics (2021) doi.org/10.1002/cpa./21989. [[Publication #9 in vitae]\\
2. Ricardo Alonso, Yoshinori Morimoto, Weiren Sun and Tong Yang, Non-cutoff Boltzmann equation with polynomial decay perturbation, Revista Matematica Iberoamericana, 37(2021), no. 1, 189-292. [[Publication #11 in vitae]\\
3. Wei-xi Li and Tong Yang, Well-posedness in Gevrey function space for the Prandtl equations with non-degenerate critical points, Journal of European Mathematical Society, 22, 717-775 (2020). [[Publication #14 in vitae]\\
4. Chengjie Liu, Feng Xie and Tong Yang, MHD boundary layers in Sobolev spaces without monotonicity. I. Well-posedness theory, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. LXXII, 0063-0121 (2019). [[Publication #18 in vitae]\\
5. Hailiang Li, Yi Wang, Tong Yang and Mingying Zhong, Stability of nonlinear wave pattens to the bipolar Vlasov-Poisson-Boltzmann system, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, Vol. 228, no. 1, 39-127 (2018). [[Publication #24 in vitae]\\
6. Chengjie Liu, Yaguang Wang and Tong Yang, A well-posedness theory for the Prandtl equations in three space variables, Advances in Mathematics, vol. 308, 1074–1126, (2017). [[Publication #28 in vitae]\\
7. Yoshinori Morimoto, Tong Yang and Huijiang Zhao, Convergence to self-similar solutions for the Homogeneous Boltzmann Equation, Journal of European Mathematical Society, 19, no. 8, 2041-2067 (2017). [[Publication #29 in vitae]\\
8. Chengjie Liu and Tong Yang, Ill-posedness of the Prandtl equations in Sobolev spaces around a shear flow with general decay, Journal de Mathématique Pures et Appliquées, 108 (2017), 150-162. [[Publication #30 in vitae]\\
9. Tong Yang and Hongjun Yu, Spectrum analysis of some kinetic equations, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 222 (2016), 731-768. [[Publication #36 in vitae]\\
10. Radjesvarane Alexandre, Yaguang Wang, Chao-Jiang Xu and Tong Yang, Well- posedness of The Prandtl Equation in Sobolev Spaces, Journal of American Mathematical Society, 28(3), (2015), 745-784. [[Publication #47 in vitae]\\
Scopus: total citations: 4898; h-index: 36 (Author ID: 56210307100)