!!Ayşe Zarakol - Selected Publications
[[Citations counts are from Google Scholar]\\
2023. ‘Global Slavery in the Making of States and International Orders’, American Political Science Review 1–13. First view doi: 10.1017/S0003055423000424 (with J.C. Sharman). Impact: Top political science journal that very rarely publishes IR/historical sociology. Article is already on various syllabi.\\
2023. ‘Polymorphic justice and the crisis of international order’, International Affairs 99.1: 1-22 (with Christian Reus-Smit). (10 citations as of Oct 2023) Framing article for special section conceived by AZ and CRS - International Affairs currently has the highest impact factor of all IR journals. Special section proposal was selected from a competitive process and all articles peer-reviewed.\\
2023. ‘Recognizing injustice: the “hypocrisy charge” and the future of the liberal international order’, International Affairs 99.1: 201-17 (with George Lawson). (2 citations as of Oct 2023) A second article in the same special section. \\
2022. Before the West: The Rise and Fall of Eastern World Orders. LSE International Studies Book Series. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Impact: has won 5 book awards (SSHA Alan Sharlin 2023 best book award [[first for an IR book], ISA-NE 2023 Yale H. Ferguson best book award, ISA History section 2023 Guicciardini best book award, ISA Theory section 2023 best book award honourable mention, APSA International Politics and History Jervis-Schroeder best book award honourable mention). Has been named 'one of the best books' of the year by CUP book shop in 2022. Has been cited more than 50 times within the first year of publication (54 citations as of Oct 2023) and has sold more than 1500 copies. Subject of two separate book symposia, six book reviews (including an article length one in Foreign Affairs). 11 Keynotes, 38 Book Talks, 4 Conference Panels (Author Meets Critics), 13 Podcasts/Interviews, 4 commissioned pieces. \\
2021. ‘Struggles for Recognition: The Liberal International Order and the Merger of its Discontents’, International Organization (75th Anniversary Special Issue). 75.2: 611-34 (with Rebecca Adler-Nissen). International Organization is considered the top journal in IR. Anniversary issues are not annual but published every 25 years and thus have very high visibility. This article was selected for the anniversary issue after multiple rounds of cuts and peer-review. It is already very well-cited (123 citations as of Oct 2023)\\
2018. ‘Sovereign Equality as Misrecognition’, Review of International Studies 44.5: 848-62. (31 citatiosn as of Oct 2023) RIS is the leading British journal in IR, published by British International Studies Association. This article was part of a well-received special issue on misrecognition. A previous article by Zarakol in the same journal not included here has won a best article award. \\
2017. Hierarchies in World Politics. Edited. Cambridge Studies in International Relations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Agenda-setting and prize-winning edited book. (301 citations as of Oct 2023)\\
2016. ‘Hierarchies in World Politics’, International Organization 70.3: 623-54 (with Janice Bially Mattern). Agenda-setting article in top journal. (369 citations as of Oct 2023)\\
2011. After Defeat: How the East Learned to Live with the West. Cambridge Studies in International Relations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Agenda-setting first book in top press and leading IR book series. (735 citations as of Oct 2023)\\
2010. ‘Ontological Insecurity and State Denial of Past Crimes: Turkey and Japan’, International Relations 24.1: 3 - 23. First article. (440 citations as of Oct 2023, most cited article in the 70+ years history of the journal)\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit azarakol}][{ALLOW upload azarakol}][{ALLOW comment All}]