!!Gunita Zariņa - Curriculum Vitae
*2003 PhD in history, Dr hist., Faculty of History and Philosophy, University of Latvia\\
*1976 - 1982  Department of Biology, University of Latvia, Mg biol.
*Since 2009   Senior researcher in Repository of Bioarchaeological material, Institute of   Latvian History at the University of Latvia \\
*Since 2007   Head of Repository of Bioarchaeological material, Institute of Latvian History at the University of Latvia
*Participand or manager in 18  research projects, funded by Latvian and international grants.\\
*Since 2020   manager of the project of Council of Science of Latvia “Subsistence strategies and the first demographic transition at the Lake Lubāns wetland: Abora Late Neolithic settlement case study”(LZP-2020/2-0032).\\
*Since 2019    participant in the Partnership Grants program of the Social Sciences and Humanities   Research Council of Canada   ”Baikal Archaeology project”. [https://baikalproject.artsrn.ualberta.ca]
*Hirsh index – 7 \\
*Total number of publications: 186, 2 books, 3 edited volumes\\
*Total number of citations: SCOPUS 537\\
*Participation in 102 international conferences
*Since 2020 Vice Chair of Division of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Latvian Academy of Sciences\\
*Since 2020 chairman of the Promotion board of the History and Archeology of the University of Latvia\\
*Since 2019 member of the Board of Experts of the Humanities and Arts, Latvian Academy of Sciences\\
*Since 2018 full member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences\\
*2015 - 2020  Baltic Assembly Prize, member of the jury\\
*Since 2014  member of editorial board of „Ancient Riga. Research on urban archeology  and  history”\\
*Since  2010 member of editorial board of „ Archaeology and Ethnography” \\
*Since 2009 member of the Latvian Archaeological Association \\
*Since 2008 expert in History of Latvian Academy of Sciences\\
*Since 2006 member of the European Archaeological Association\\ \\