!!Eleftheria Zeggini - Biography

Eleftheria Zeggini is the founding Director of the Institute of Translational Genomics at Helmholtz Munich and holds the TUM Liesel Beckmann Distinguished Professorship at the Technical University Munich School of Medicine. Her research leverages big biomedical data to translate insights from genomics into mechanisms of disease development and progression, shortening the path to translation and empowering precision medicine. 
*2003: PhD “Genetic dissection of the MHC in juvenile oligoarthritis”, School of Medicine, University of Manchester, UK\\
*1999: BSc (Hons) in Biochemistry, UMIST, UK

__Grant income (selection):__
*€301,700, April 2022, German Research Foundation (DFG) “Single-cell regulatory dynamics of the osteoarthritis knee joint”\\
*$767,531, January 2022, Helmsley Trust “GPPAD Dried Blood Spot (DBS) OMICs”\\
*€284,500, April 2021, DFG “SEPAN: Systems Epidemiological analysis of the COVID-19 PANdemic accounting for host-virus interaction and human behaviour”\\
*€546,000, April 2021, DFG “Molecular resolution in diabesity in children”\\
*€4,287,673, January 2021, H2020-FETPROACT grant “Combining optoacoustic imaging phenotypes and multi-omics to advance diabetes healthcare”\\
*£766,877, July 2018; MRC; “Understanding skeletal diseases using human induced pluripotent stem cells”\\
*£5,745,589, June 2017; NIHR; “Global health research: immunopathogenesis of podoconiosis”\\
*£1,300,455, April 2013; Economic and Social Research Council programme grant “The UK Household Longitudinal Study genome-wide association scan”\\
*$400,000, June 2012; Klarman Family Foundation “Determining the role of uncommon exon variation in anorexia nervosa”\\
*£504,188.83, February 2012; Medical Research Council research grant “Discovering podoconiosis susceptibility genes: from molecules to disease control for a 'neglected' tropical disease”\\
*€1,478,099, July 2011; European Research Council Starting Grant “Sequencing population isolates to find complex trait loci”
__Academic Service (Selection):__
*Genomics England Science Advisory Committee\\
*EMBL Council\\
*Steering Board Greek Institute of Human Genomics\\
*ERC Advanced Grant LS2 Panel\\
*Chair, K G Jebsen Center for Genetic Epidemiology Scientific Advisory Board, Faculty of Medicine, Trondheim, Norway\\
*Chair, The Centre for Genetics and Genomics Scientific Advisory Board, University of Manchester\\
*Chair, Sydney Brenner Institute for Molecular Bioscience Scientific Advisory Board, Johannesburg, South Africa\\ \\

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