!!Jun Zhang - Publications
__Peer-reviewed publications (* corresponding authors):__\\
1) Kai-Zhe Wang and Jun Zhang* "Persistent Corotation of the Large-Scale Flow of Thermal Convection and an Immersed Free Body," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS), 120 (21), e2217705120 (2023)\\
2) Shi-yuan Hu, Michael Shelley* and Jun Zhang* "Levy Walks and Path Chaos in the Dispersal of Elongated Structures Moving Across Cellular Vortical Flows,”  Physical Review Letters, 127, 074503 (2021)\\
3) Joel Newbolt, Jun Zhang*, and Leif Ristroph* '"Flow Interactions Between Uncoordinated Flapping Swimmers Give Rise to Group Cohesion," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS), 116, 2419 (2019)\\
4) Jun Zhang* "Footprints of a Flapping Wing," Journal of Fluid Mechanics 818, 1-4 (2017)\\
5) Leif Ristroph, James Liao*, and Jun Zhang* "Lateral line layout correlates with the differential hydrodynamic pressure on swimming fish," Physical Review Letters 114, 018102 (2015)\\
6) Michael Shelley, and Jun Zhang*  "Flapping and bending bodies interacting with fluid flows," Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 43, 449 (2011)\\
7) Leif Ristroph and Jun Zhang* "Anomalous hydrodynamic drafting of interacting flapping flags," Physical Review Letters 101, 194502 (2008)\\
8) Silas Alben, Michael Shelley, and Jun Zhang "Drag reduction through self-similar bending of a flexible body," Nature 420, 479-481 (2002) \\
9) Jun Zhang*, Stephen Childress, Albert Libchaber, and Michael Shelley  "Flexible filaments in a flowing soap film as a model for one-dimensional flags in a two-dimensional wind," Nature 408, 835-839 (2000) \\
10) Jun Zhang, Albert Libchaber "Periodic boundary motion in thermal turbulence," Physical Review Letters 84, 4361-4364 (2000)\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit jzhang6729}][{ALLOW upload jzhang6729}][{ALLOW comment All}]