!!Luuk de Ligt - Selected Publications
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''Peasants, Citizens and Soldiers. Studies in the Demographic History of Roman Italy, 225 BC - AD 100'' (Cambridge University Press 2012).
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(2005-2011) Spruit, J.E., Chorus, J.M.J. en de Ligt, L. (eds.), ''Corpus Iuris Civilis. Tekst en Vertaling: Codex Iustinianus'', 3 vols, Amsterdam.
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(2008) de Ligt, L. en Northwood (eds.), ''People, Land and Politics. Demographic Developments and the Transformation of Roman Italy, 300 BC-AD 14'', Leiden.
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(2004), de Ligt L, Hemelrijk EA, Singor HW (eds.), ''Roman Rule and Civic Life: Local and Regional Perspectives'', Amsterdam.
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(2002) de Ligt L, de Ruiter J, et al. (eds.), ''Viva vox iuris Romani. Essays in honour of Johannes Emil Spruit'', de Ligt L, de Ruiter J, et al. (eds.), Amsterdam.
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''Fairs and Markets in the Roman Empire. Economic and Social Aspects of Periodic Trade in a Pre-Industrial Society'' (Amsterdam 1993).\\
__Edited volumes:__
*(with L.E. Tacoma) (eds), Migration and Mobility in the Early Roman Empire (Leiden 2016).\\
*(with S. Northwood) (eds), People, Land and Politics. Demographic Developments and the Transformation of Roman Italy (Leiden 2008).\\
*'Urban systems and the politcal and economic structures of early-imperial Italy,' Rivista di Storia Economica 32 (2016), 17-75.\\
*(with P. Garnsey), ‘The Album of Herculaneum and a model of the town’s demography,’ Journal of Roman Archaeology 25 (2012), 69-94.\\
*‘Provincial dediticii in the epigraphic Lex Agraria of 111 BC?’, Classical Quarterly n.s. 58 (2008), 362-367.\\
*‘Poverty and demography: the case of the Gracchan land reforms’, Mnemosyne 57 (2004), 725-757.\\
*Urbanization in Former-Han China and in the early Roman empire,’ in: Wang Dunshu (ed.), Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Ancient World History in China (Beijing 2016), 248-258.\\
*‘Livy 27.38 and the vacatio militiae of the maritime colonies,’ in: T. Stek & J. Pelgrom (eds), Roman republican colonization. New perspectives from archaeology and ancient history (Rome 2014), 105-119.\\
*Production, consumption and trade in the Roman Republic,’ in D. Hammer (ed.), A Companion to Greek Democracy and the Roman Republic (Oxford 2014), 368-385.\\
*Population and Migration’, in: P. Clark (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Cities in World History (Oxford 2013), 147-163.\\
*‘Urban archaeology, urban networks and population dynamics in Roman Italy,’ in: G.J. Burgers, C. Corsi, S. Keay & F. Vermeulen (eds), Urban Landscape Survey in Italy and the Mediterranean (Oxford 2012), 183-196.