!!Rafael de Miguel González - Selected Publications
__Top six books as author or editor: 40,000 downloads or readings__  \\
Innovative Learning Geography: new challenges for the 21st Century,  2014, Cambridge Scholars Publishers\\
Learning progressions in geography education, 2016, Springer\\
Geography education for global understanding, 2018, Springer\\
Geospatial Challenges in the 21st Century, 2019, Springer\\
Geospatial technologies in geography education, 2019, Springer\\
Sustainable Development Goals in Europe: a geographical approach, 2021, Springer\\
Book for geography and history in secondary education (K-7 to K-10), more than 100,000 hard copies sold in Spain and Latin America.\\
__Book:__ Zaragoza: arquitectura, urbanismo y patrimonio cultural. La ciudad del pasado proyectada en la construcción del futuro, 2018,  Real Academia de Nobles y Bellas Artes de San Luis  (Academy of Spain). \\
__Book:__ Urbanismo y desarrollo sostenible en Zaragoza, la ecociudad Valdespartera, 2010. \\
__Book:__ L'amenagement metropolitain dans la planification urbaine et territoriale en Espagne , 2012, Université de Lille 3. \\
GH en red, Geografía e Historia, Vicens-Vives, 2020, Text b\\
__Recent research papers (Q1 in JCR or SCOPUS):__\\
From international to global understanding: toward a century of international geography education, International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 2021. \\
WebGIS Implementation and Effectiveness in Secondary Education Using the Digital Atlas for Schools, Journal of Geography, Volume 119, 2020.\\
Mobile learning for sustainable development and environmental teacher education. Sustainability, Volume 12, 2020.\\
WebGIS and geospatial technologies for landscape education on personalized learning contexts. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, Volume 6, 2017 \\
Educating geographers in Spain: geography teaching renewal by implementing the European Higher Education Area, Journal of Geography in Higher Education, Volume 40, 2016.