!!Eulàlia de Nadal - Biography
Eulàlia de Nadal (Barcelona, 1972) is the rector of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF, Barcelona) since 2023. Full Professor since 2017, she has also served as vice-rector for Knowledge Transfer (2021-23) and vice-director at the Department of Medicine and Life Sicence (2015 - 2019).\\
She graduated in Veterinary Medicine (UAB, 1995) and received her Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (UAB, 2000). She performed postdoctoral studies as a ‘Ramón y Cajal’ researcher at UPF and ETH (Zürich). \\
She has led the Cell Signaling research group since 2005. In 2018, she is also Affiliated Group Leader at the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona). During her professional career, she has given several conferences at international and national congresses. She has been awarded with 6 national projects as principal investigator (2005-2023) by the Spanish Government and also collaborated in projects funded by diverse public entities such as the Government of Catalonia, the European Union, the European Science Foundation and the European Molecular Biology Organization, as well as private entities, She has published 54 original articles and 17 research reviews. Of the former, 43 correspond to the last 10 years and have been published in international journals indexed in SCI. The total number of citations received has already exceeded 4.276 (WoS, November 2023), with an average number of citations per article of 48.04. The h-index is 34. Of note, she received two ICREA ACADEMIA awards (2012 - 2016 & 2021 - 2025) in acknowledgement of research excellence. \\
She is compromised to effectively transfer scientific results to have a positive impact on our society’s welfare. She has served as a reviewer on several scientific panels. She has co-supervised 14 doctoral theses and she is currently supervising 5 pre-doctoral. Of note, she has received the positive assessment of 4 Research periods (from 1997 up to 2020), 1 Transfer period (2013 - 2018) and 5 Teaching periods (1998-2022).\\ \\[{ALLOW view All}][{ALLOW edit edenadal}][{ALLOW upload edenadal}][{ALLOW comment All}]