!!Elisabeth Aafje van Zoonen - Selected Publications
Zoonen, E.A. van. 2005. Entertaining the Citizen: When Politics and Popular Culture Converge. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield\\
Sreberny, A. & van Zoonen, E.A. Eds. 2000. Gender, Politics and Communication. Cresskill, NJ.: Hampton Press. \\
Brants, K., Hermes, J. & van Zoonen, E.A. Eds. 1998. The media in question: Popular cultures and public interests. Sage: London.\\
Zoonen, E.A. van. 1994. Feminist media studies. London: Sage. Trans. into Chinese, French, Portuguese, Serbian and Italian.\\
__Academic articles and book chapters:__\\
Hirzalla, F. & L. van Zoonen. 2015. Online voting applications: Foci, findings and future of an emerging research field, pp. 87-103 in Coleman, S. & Freelon, D. Eds. Handbook of Digital Politics. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.\\
Zoonen, E.A. van. 2013. From identity to identification: fixating the fragmented self. Media Culture & Society, 35 (1), 44-51.\\
Zoonen, E.A. van, Vis, F. & Mihelj, S. 2011. YouTube interactions between agonism, antagonism and dialogue: Video responses to the anti-Islam film Fitna, New Media & Society, 13 (8): 1283-1300.\\
Zoonen, E.A. van. 2004. A 'new' paradigm: Feminist media studies. In: McQuail's Reader in Mass Communication. London: Sage. Trans. into Serbian.\\
Zoonen, E.A. van. 1992, Mass media and the women’s movement: The construction of a public identity, European Journal of Communication, 7 (4): 453-476. Trans. into Portugese.\\
Zoonen, E.A. van.1994. It wasn’t exactly a miracle: The introduction of television in the Netherlands, Media, Culture and Society, 17(3): 641-660. Trans. into French.