Hermann Maurer#
Membership Number: | 2003 |
Membership type: | ORDINARY |
Section: | INFORMATICS |
Elected: | 2000 |
Main Country of Residence: | AUSTRIA |
Homepage(s): | http://www.iicm.edu/maurer https://www2.isds.tugraz.at/maurer |
ORCID: | 0000-0002-9956-2032 |
X: | @hamaurer |
Linkedin: | https://at.linkedin.com/in/hermannmaurer |
Present and Previous Positions
- Member of the Board of Trustees of Academia Europaea 12/2012- 12/2015
- Chair of Section Informatics of Academia Europaea from 2007-2012
- Full Professor for Computer Science, Graz University of Technology, Austria, since 1978
- Full Professor of Computer Science, University of Auckland, 1993-1996 (on leave from Graz)
- Full Professor for Computer Science, University of Karlsruhe, Germany, 1971-1977
- Assistant and later Associate Professor for Computer Science, University of Calagary, Canada, 1966-1971
- Ph.D. in Philosophy (Mathematics), supervisor Professor Edmund Hlawaka 1965
Fields of Scholarship
- [NetInteractive Documents|https://austria-forum.org/af/AEIOU/NID]
- [Science fiction samples|http://www.iicm.tugraz.at/maurer]
- e-Learning
- Societal implications of informatics
- Algorithms and data structures
- Formal languages and automata
- Web science
- Networked multimedia systems
Honours and Awards (partial list)
- Honorary Doctorate Polytechnical University of St. Petersberg 1991
- Foreign member of Finish Academy of Sciences 1996
- Enter prize, Styrian Chamber of Commerce 1999
- Integrata price 2000
- Member Academia Europaea 2000
- Cross of honour for Arts and Science, Class I, Republic of Austria 2001
- Large medal of honour, Province of Styria 2001
- Honorary Doctorate University of Karlsruhe 2002
- Honorary Doctorate University fo Calgary 2007
- Chair of Section Informatics Academia Euopaea 2008
- Member of Board of Trustees Academia Europaea 2013
- Golden Ph.D. Diploma University of Vienna 2015
- Honorary Lifetime Membership Austrian Computer Society