
Presidential Election#

The president of Academia Europaea, Professor Marja Makarow stepped down at the end of her first term in December 2024.

A call for nominations and an election for a new President will take place in 2025. Until then Professor Don Dingwell (the elected Vice President) will act pro tem as President.

Professor Marja Makarow
Professor Marja Makarow (AE President 2020-2024)
Don Dingwell
Professor Don Dingwell (AE Vice-President)


CLOSING DATE FOR RECEIPT OF NOMINATIONS IS: Noon (UK time) on 30th November 2019.

For details of how to nominate candidates, please read the text below or download the document(info).

Call for Nominations: Election of the next President of Academia Europaea (from 2020)#

The term of the current President, Professor Sierd Cloetingh, ends at the AGM in 2020. Therefore, the Academia Europaea (AE) now needs to proceed to the election of a new President. Professor Cloetingh is not eligible for re-election, as he will have completed two 3-year terms at the time of the 2020 AGM.

The Search Group#

The AE Board has established a Search Group, which will evaluate nominations from AE Members and make recommendations to the Board. The composition of the Search Group is as follows: Vice-Presidents Don Dingwell (Class B Chair), Svend Erik Larsen (Class A1 Chair), Ole Petersen (Search Group Chair), Alex Verkhratsky (Class C Chair), Björn Wittrock (Class A2 Chair) and Nicole Grobert MAE.

The Academy’s current position#

Last year, AE celebrated its 30th Anniversary at an event held at, and sponsored by, the Royal Society in London. AE members were welcomed by the Royal Society’s President, the Nobel Laureate Sir Venki Ramakrishnan and the AE President, Sierd Cloetingh (also President of COST – European Cooperation in Science and Technology), who highlighted AE’s many recent achievements. These include close involvement in the European Commission’s Scientific Advice Mechanism (as one of the five executive members of SAPEA [Science Advice for Policy by European Academies]) and the establishment of a network of European Knowledge Hubs in Barcelona, Bergen, Cardiff, Tbilisi and Wroclaw, as well as the Information Centre in Graz. Download the commemorative brochure(info) summarizing key events in the history of AE.

Profile of the next President#

As evidenced in the 30th Anniversary Brochure, as well as the Academy’s Strategic Plan, 2019-2024(info) the importance and visibility of AE has increased markedly in recent years. The Academy now wishes to build on the developments during Sierd Cloetingh’s successful leadership and therefore seeks a new President who also commands widespread respect across the European academic communities, has achieved high levels of international recognition and therefore has the stature and ability to further strengthen the Academy’s position as a key player in Europe’s intellectual life. The President must be committed and able to engage in open and free dialogue across traditional disciplinary boundaries, representing all the many different communities in the Academy. The President must also be committed to efforts to increasing diversity in the Academy’s leadership, committees and membership.

Due to the growing activities and ambitions of the Academy, the work load of the AE President is demanding, has been increasing recently and may well increase further in the coming years. Currently it requires a commitment of - on average - one full working day per week. Thus nominees must be willing and able to travel frequently, to compose and deliver effective presentations in English to diverse audiences (including the general public and policy makers) across Europe and occasionally on other continents.


Nominations are now invited from ordinary members of the Academy. Nomination of ordinary members, should be made as follows:

[1] A Principal Nominator should summarize the achievements of the proposed candidate on no more than one page under the following three headlines: Principal Scholarly/Scientific Achievements, Commissions of Trust and Major Honours & Awards.

[2] The nominee should provide a personal one-page statement of his/her vision for the development of the Academy over the next several years.

[3] A short CV (2 pages) should be provided.

[4] Supporting statements (no more than one page) are required from two ordinary members of the Academy, residing in countries other than that of the Principal Nominator (a total of three nominators).

As the Academy is committed to increasing the diversity of all its bodies, nominations of members from underrepresented groups (with regard to, for example, gender, age, religion, race, ethnicity and cultural background) are encouraged.

The nominee must be willing to have his/her nomination and supporting documents considered in a confidential manner by the Search Group and the Board, but neither the fact of the nomination nor the contents of the nomination documents will be disclosed to the wider membership of the Academy, without first having received the explicit permission of the nominee.

Submission of nominations and deadline#

All documents should be submitted electronically to the Executive Secretary, Dr David Coates (execsec@acadeuro.org) before noon (UK time) on 30th November 2019.

Academia Europaea HQ office: Room 251, Senate House, Malet Street. London WC1E 7HU
Tel: +44 (0) 207 862 5786
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