Wroclaw Knowledge Hub events announced at the Academy website.
For a complete list of the Hub events visit the Wroclaw Knowledge Hub

- Ocean waves: the perfect example of a complex system, 25 June 2024.
- Christmas Meeting of Polish Academia Europaea Members, 11 December 2023.
- Academia Europaea Wrocław Knowledge Hub Jubilee Event, May 19, 2023.
- Towards Development of Mediatization Research IV, Online workshop, 16 November 2020.
- Media & Life After/During Covid-19 Pandemic, 26 October 2020.
- The workshop "Collective Identities, Nations and Social Spheres" was postponed and rescheduled to spring 2021.
- Towards Development of Mediatization Research III Workshop, Wroclaw, Poland, 15 November 2019
- Beyond Identity? New Avenues for Interdisciplinary Research on Identity. Workshop organized by the University of Wrocław and the Academia Europaea Wrocław Knowledge Hub. Wroclaw, Poland, 8-9 November 2019
- Wrocław University of Science and Technology Interdisciplinary Scientific Seminar series of lectures, lecture by Prof. Adrian Bejan, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, 24 June, 2019
- Framework Agreement for the Continuation of Academia Europaea Wrocław Knowledge Hub signed, Wrocław, Poland, 15 October 2018
- Towards development of the mediatization research II. Workshop with Professor Johan Fornäs, Wrocław, Poland, 13 December, 2018
- Media as Public Good and a Lever of Sustainability, Wrocław, Poland, 12-13 December, 2018
- From Acute to Chronic Pain: the Role of Learning and Cerebral Plasticity. Lecture by Professor Herta Flor, University of Wroclaw, Poland, 29 November 2018
- Philosophy and Topology, Wroclaw Academic Hub, Wroclaw, Poland, October 5-6, 2018
- Cultural Landscapes in Central and Eastern Europe, Wrocław, Poland, 19-21 September 2018
- Effective Goal Attainment by If-Then Planning, Lecture of Prof. Peter Gollwitzer, Wrocław, Poland, 6 July 2018
- Mediatization, digital media practice and banal civic engagement, lecture by Prof. Göran Bolin, Wrocław, Poland, 18 June 2018
- We need lots of imagination to solve some of the big problems facing, lecture by Prof. Hermann Maurer, University of Science and Technology, Wrocław, Poland, 12 June 2018
- Wroclaw Knowledge Hub Newsletter, December 2017
- Excellent Science Days 2.0, Wrocław, Poland, October 23rd – 25th, 2017
- New Nationalisms: Sources, Agendas, Languages, Wrocław, Poland, 25-27 September 2017
- XXXIX Max Born Symposium: Optics and its Applications (OPTICS-2017), Wrocław, Poland, 3-7 July, 2017
- The International Lithuania Congress, Wrocław, Poland, May 22-24, 2017
- Crossing Frontiers in Science: a physicist's approach, Wrocław, Poland, May 18-20, 2017
- Classical engines with ideal efficiency and nonzero power is it possible, Wrocław, Poland, May 17, 2017
- Mediterranean mobilities the moral geographies of encounters and daily life, Wrocław, Poland, December 14, 2016
- ERC DAY IN WROCŁAW, Wrocław, Poland, November 14, 2016
- Wetting and spreading in a physicist's practice, Wrocław, Poland, October 24, 2016
- The Yeast. Challenge for technologists and microbiologists in beer production, Wrocław, Poland, October 15, 2016
- World Food Day 2016
, Wrocław, Poland, October 14, 2016
- Central Europe and Colonialism: Migrations, Knowledges, Perspectives, Commodities, Wrocław, Poland, September 21-23, 2016
- How to write a history of Europe?, Wrocław, Poland, September 20, 2016
- Summer School of Democracy, Wrocław, Poland, June 20, 2016
- The expansion of Europe and intercontinental migration, Wrocław, Poland, May 4, 2016
- Paths towards scientific independence: Young scientists’ careers in Europe, Wrocław, Poland, April 15, 2016
- Debate on Horizon 2020, Wrocław, Poland, April 8, 2016
- Immigration, cultural identity and the applicable law, Wrocław, Poland, April 6, 2016
- Conceptions and practices of democracy: Participation and deliberation in civil society and public institutions, Wrocław, Poland, January 21, 2016
- 200 years of the Cracow Learned Society, Kraków, Poland, December 9-10, 2015
- Debate Poland, Germany, Ukraine and the migration crisis in Europe, Wrocław, Poland, November 27, 2015
- Excellent Science Days, Wrocław, Poland, November 5-6, 2015
- Flexible Query Answering Systems 2015, Kraków, Poland, October 26 - 28, 2015
- Globalizing the city and the grassroots: Political geographies of urban movements and linguistic diversity, Wrocław, Poland, 22 October 2015
- Lessons from power sector reform by Professor Einar Hope, Wrocław, Poland, 15 October 2015
- Language endangerment and revitalization - Poznań Linguistic Meeting, Poznań, Poland, 17–19 September 2015
- Cooperation Forum Poland – Romania – The Republic of Moldova, Wrocław, Poland, 17 September, 2015
- Summer School ‘Nationalism and Populism as Challenges for European Unity’, Wrocław, Poland, 13-22 September, 2015
- Interview with speaker of the Seminar Literary Margins and Digital Media, seminar organised by Academia Europea Knowledge Hub Wrocław in cooperation with the Wrocław University
- Literary margins and digital media, Wroclaw, Poland, 15-17 April 2015
- Meeting of regional Members of Academia Europaea
, Wroclaw, Poland, 19 March 2015
- European rationalism: Lecture by Professor Jan Woleński - European rationalism? Wroclaw, Poland, 27 November 2014
- EUROPA UNA Lecture: Lecture by Professor Yale H. Ferguson - The United States, NATO, and Ukraine: European Security in a Changing Context, Wroclaw, Poland, 17 November 2014
- Wymiary Europy, Public lecture by Professor Adam Chmielewski, Wroclaw, Poland, 20 October 2014
- REGIMES OF MEMORY II. Types of trauma management in Central and Eastern Europe - Programme, Wroclaw, Poland, 9 - 10 October 2014
- 3E+ Energy Electronics Electricity Nanotechnology 2014, Wroclaw, Poland, 7 July 2014
- Summer School of Democracy 2014, Wroclaw, Poland, 23 June 2014
- Design of a fully renewable European energy system - challenges for system engineering, applied mathematics and physics of complex networks by Martin O.W. Greiner, Wroclaw, Poland, 29-30 May 2014
- EUROPA UNA - Public lecture by Professor Horst Möller on "First World War: the Great Seminal Catastrophe of the 20th Century," Wroclaw, Poland, 12 May 2014
- Early Modern Print Culture in Central Europe, Wroclaw, Poland, 16-18 September 2013
- 25th Anniversary Conference
,"European Science and scholarship looking ahead: challenges of the next 25 years." Wroclaw, Poland, 16-19 September 2013
- Transformations of politics and economics in Eastern Europe - evidences from empirical data 2000-2012 by Klaus von Beyme
, Wroclaw, Poland, 6 July 2013
- The impact of Decolonisation on Europaean Politics, 1945-1975 by Pieter Emmer
, Wroclaw, Poland, 25 June 2013
- Epidemics of bubonic plague - their causes and serious consequences for European history in the late medieval and early modern period by Lars Walloe
, Wroclaw, Poland, 24 April 2013
- Changing Perspectives on Society and Environment: Retrospect and Prospect by Anne Buttimer
, Wroclaw, Poland, 18 December 2012
- Regimes of memory, patterns of consolidation. Comparative issues
, Wroclaw, Poland, 30 October 2012
- Belgium: from a unitarian to federal state by Chantal Kesteloot
, Wroclaw, Poland 29 October 2012
- Launching of the Academia Europaea Knowledge Hub – Wroclaw
, Wroclaw, Poland 16 December 2011