Academia Europaea | Graz Information Centre#
The Graz Information Centre hosts the corporate web site of Academia Europaea at
The Graz Information Centre is located in the second largest city of Austria and was founded in 2010 with the purpose of increasing the visibility of Academia Europaea and its members. The establishment of the Centre was made possible by a joint agreement between Academia Europaea and Graz University of Technology.
The Graz Information Centre operates the official corporate website of Academia Europaea which is the main source of information about official policies statements, news, activities, events and programmes which are issued, (co-)organised, sponsored and promoted by Academia Europaea. The website also presents individual members of the Academy and their achievements. The Centre is also responsible for membership administration and the development of the support infrastructure for the nominations and elections process.
The Graz Information Centre provides a complete technical support of the AE site, including control and tests of server, backup systems, system and data security, continuous maintenance and update of the server operating system and database management system.
ISDS, Graz University of Technology
Inffeldgasse 16c
A-8010 Graz /Austria
Tel: +43 68184035078
Dipl.-Ing. Helmut Leitner Technical Director
Contact regarding technical issues concerning the Academia Europaea Graz Information Centre site
Cand.mag. Dana Kaiser Administrator
Contact concerning contents of the Academia Europaea Graz Information Centre site
Contact regarding membership, changes of member contact details and nomination procedure.
Dipl.-Ing. Robert Hoffmann Technical Officer
Server Statistics#
Number of documents: 35164
Number of attachments: 33345
Number of objects (documents+attachments): 68509
Number of members with more than basic information: 6494