
Taking action on plastics pollution
Are biodegradable plastics the answer?#

4th February 2021, 15:30 CEST, 14:30 BST UK
Event website


Every year, more and more plastics end up in our oceans and rivers, and on the land. Once there, they pose risks to our environment and the health of living creatures. Conventional plastics persist for centuries, but biodegradable plastics are designed by scientists to break down in a few weeks or years. Could biodegradable plastics help us solve the pollution problem, or are they are a problem in themselves?

About the webinar#

Join us for this international webinar, where a distinguished panel of experts will explore the potential role that biodegradable plastics could play in our society, and what practical steps are needed next to shape European policy on the issue. You, the global audience, will be able to pose questions and contribute to the debate.

Panel of speakers#

Chair: Professor Ole Petersen, Vice-President, Academia Europaea

Moderator: Esther Kentin, Leiden University

More about AE Cardiff’s work in Biodegradability of Plastics#

Academia Europaea led the coordination of the forthcoming SAPEA Evidence Review on the Biodegradability of Plastics in the Open Environment. Responsibility for management and delivery of the work was given to the AE Cardiff Hub. The SAPEA Evidence Review Report and the GCSA’S Scientific Opinion are available here.

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