Strengthening democracy in Europe: what can be done?#

Webinar: Tuesday 24th September 2pm CEST, 1pm UK

2024 is the Year of Democracy, when more than 2 billion people go to the polls.

Every European has a deep stake in the policies that shape our lives, from tackling global crises like climate change, to local issues like the state of our schools and hospitals. Yet, many citizens feel disillusioned and disengaged from politics; some vote for populist parties and many do not bother to vote at all.

What are the main challenges facing democracy in Europe, and what can be done? What impact will new digital technologies like social media and AI have on the future evolution and health of democratic systems?

How can we promote the public sphere and public participation in our democracies? What is the state of the relationship between experts, policymakers and the public, and how can we strengthen this nexus?

Join us for this timely debate, which is free and open to all.

Our panellists #

  • Barbara Prainsack MAE, Professor for Comparative Policy Analysis, University of Vienna and Chair of the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies
  • Nils-Eric Sahlin MAE, Professor and Chair of Medical Ethics, Lund University and Vice-Chair of the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies
  • Cathrine Holst, Professor in Philosophy of Science and Democracy, University of Oslo
  • Dr. Mario Scharfbillig, Unit for Science for Democracy and Evidence-Informed Policymaking, Joint Research Centre, European Commission

The webinar will be chaired by Professor Ole Petersen MAE, Academic Director of the Academia Europaea Cardiff Knowledge Hub.


Registration is now open

Posted on the 26th June 2024.
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