The 2024 Wolf Prize awarded to four Members of Academia Europaea#

Academia Europaea is proud to announce the award of the prestigious 2024 Wolf Prize to Professor Noga Alon, Professor Adi Shamir, Professor Botond Roska and Professor Martin Rees.

Noga Alon
Professor Noga Alon

Adi Shamir
Professor Adi Shamir

Botond Roska
Professor Botond Roska

Martin Rees
Professor Martin Rees

Noga Alon, Professor of Mathematics at Princeton University, is awarded the Wolf Prize in Mathematics 2024for his fundamental contributions to Combinatorics and Theoretical Computer Science”. Prof. Alon was elected to the Mathematics section of Academia Europaea in 2008.

Noga Alon shares the Wolf Prize in Mathematics 2024 with Adi Shamir, “for their pioneering contributions to mathematical cryptography, combinatorics, and the theory of computer science”. Adi Shamir is a professor in the Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics at the Weizmann Institute of Science and receives the award "for his fundamental contributions to Mathematical Cryptography". He is a member of the Informatics section since 2007.

Botond Roska, professor at the University of Basel and director at the Institute of Molecular and Clinical Ophthalmology Basel (IOB) receives the Wolf Prize in Medicine 2024 (together with José-Alain Sahel) “for sight-saving and vision restoration to blind people using optogenetics”. Botond Roska is member of the Physiology and Neuroscience section since 2020.

Sir Martin Rees, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, and member of the Earth and Cosmic Sciences section since 1989, is awarded the Wolf Prize in Physics 2024for fundamental contributions to high-energy astrophysics, galaxies and structure formation, and cosmology”.

Wolf Foundation

Wolf Prize#

The international Wolf Prize is awarded annually to Scientists and Artists for their achievements in the interest of mankind and friendly relations amongst peoples.

The Wolf Prize is awarded annually and honors exceptional individuals who transcend barriers of religion, gender, race, geography, and political stance. In the scientific domain, the awards are conferred in Medicine, Agriculture, Mathematics, Chemistry, and Physics. In the arts, the awards recognize excellence in Painting and Sculpture, Music, and Architecture.

The Wolf Prize acknowledges scientists and artists worldwide for their outstanding achievements in advancing science and the arts for the betterment of humanity. By awarding the prize, we salute leaders and pioneers in these fields who have contributed to a better world.

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