Professor Angela McLean
Credit: UK Ministry of Defence 2019

Professor Dame Angela McLean MAE appointed UK Chief Scientific Adviser#

The Academia Europaea is pleased to announce that our member - Professor Angela McLean (elected 2018 – member of the Organismic & Evolutionary Biology Section), has been appointed as the new UK Government Chief Scientific Adviser. As chief scientific adviser, Professor McLean will counsel the UK prime minister and his cabinet, the government’s most senior decision-making body, on science and technology policies. She will become the UK’s first female chief scientific adviser since its creation in 1964.

Prof. McLean follows in a long-line of former UK CSA’s who were also distinguished members of Academia Europaea. We hope to continue the links with Professor McLean to further consolidate our strong role in scientific advice to the EU within the Horizon Europe SAPEA project and our Cardiff Knowledge Hub.

About Professor Dame Angela McLean MAE#

Angela McLean is professor of mathematical biology at the University of Oxford and currently chief scientist at the Ministry of Defence. She has received several awards throughout her career including:

  • 1996 Prix Franco-britannique de l’academie des Sciences
  • 2011 Gabor Medal of the Royal Society
  • 2018 Weldon Memorial Prize

Professor McLean was elected to the Royal Society in 2009 and the Academia Europaea in 2018.

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