
Carl Djerassi (1923 - 2015)#

Carl Djerassi
The Academy is saddened to annouce that Carl Djerassi, a pioneer of the birth control pill, a novelist and playwright, awardee of the Academia Europaea 2013 Erasmus Medal, died January 31, 2015, aged 91.

2003 Erasmus Lecture: Sex and reproduction: ready for divorce?, Carl Djerassi, Department of Chemistry, Stanford University, published in European Review, 2004 - Volume 12, Issue 01. Download the document(info) (pdf).

Obituary, The Guardian
Obituary, The New York Times
Obituary, Stanford University
Obituary, ORF, Austria (in German)

Carl Djerassi and the challenge of making drama of ‘science-in-theatre’, The Guardian
Interview with Carl Djerassi, Austria Forum (in German)
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