Joan Steitz and Giorgio Parisi awarded the 2021 Wolf Prize #

Academia Europaea is proud to announce the award of the prestigious 2021 Wolf Prize to Professor Joan Steitz, and Professor Giorgio Parisi.

Professor Joan Steitz who is Sterling Professor of molecular biophysics and biochemistry at Yale University and Investigator at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, is awarded the 2021 Wolf Prize in Medicine "for ground-breaking discoveries on RNA processing and its function". Professor Steitz was elected to Academia Europaea as member of the Cell and Developmental Biology section in 2002.

Professor Giorgio Parisi, professor of theoretical physics at theUniversity of Roma I, ‘‘La Sapienza,’’ and a member of the Physics and Engineering Science section of Academia Europaea since 2009, receives the 2021 Wolf Prize in Physics "for ground-breaking discoveries in disordered systems, particle physics and statistical physics".

Joan Steitz
Professor Joan Steitz

Giorgio Parisi
Professor Giorgio Parisi

Academia Europaea congratulates Prof. Steitz and Prof. Parisi to this outstanding distinction!#

Wolf Foundation

Wolf Prize#

The international Wolf Prize, consisting of a certificate and monetary award of $100,000, is given to outstanding scientists and artists for achievements in the interest of mankind and friendly relations among peoples.

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