Member News Archive#

Developing a Guideline for Effective Policy Impact

Members of the Life Sciences class are invitated to collaborate on developing a Guideline for Effective Policy Impact.
Deadline: 27 June 2024.

Bridging science and society

Read an interview with Prof. Péter Hegyi, the new Academic Director of the Budapest Knowledge Hub.

The Edinburgh Companion to the New European Humanities

A new publication edited by Prof. Rosi Braidotti, member of the Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies section of Academia Europaea (together with Hiltraud Casper-Hehne, Marjan Ivković and Daan F. Oostveen).

Academia Europaea members elected to the Royal Society

15 Members of Academia Europaea elected to the Royal Society.
17th May 2024

Honorary degree for Donald Dingwell

Prof. Donald B. Dingwell, Director of the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences of the LMU and current Vice-President of the Academia Europaea receives an honorary degree from Beihang University, China.

European policy recommendations on AI in Science

Read about the launch of the latest evidence review and policy recommendations on ‘Successful and timely uptake of AI in science in the EU’ by the European Scientific Advice Mechanism.

Prof. Dingwell ellected Corresponding Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh

Prof. Donald Bruce Dingwell, Vice-President of the Academia Europaea, has been elected as a corresponding member of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

Bridging science and policy in Europe

Bridging science and policy in Europe - read an interview with Pearl Dykstra, member of the Human Mobility, Governance, Environment and Space section.

Honouring recently deceased Members of Academia Europaea

‘Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society’ publishes its first 2024 volume containing the latest collection of extended obituaries of recently deceased Fellows, seven of whom were also Members of Academia Europaea.

Tbilisi Knowledge Hub

Professor David Lordkipanidze steps into the role previously held by Professor David Prangishvili, who served as Tbilisi’s inaugural Director since the Hub’s official opening on 24th April 2019.

2024 Elected members

Election and registration of new members elected in 2024.

Polish Award to Erol Gelenbe

Erol Gelenbe awarded The Cross of Officer of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland.

Award to Erol Gelenbe and Ataç Imamoglu

Professor Erol Gelenbe and Professor Ataç İmamoğlu are listed among the 25 Most Influential Scientists and Technologists in the Muslim World.

From the Silk Road to the One Belt, One Road Initiative

Read an interview with Professor Samuel Lieu, member of the History and Archaeology section of Academia Europaea.

André Mischke YAE Prize for Science and Policy

Submit nominations for the André Mischke YAE Prize for Science and Policy awarded by the Young Academy of Europe.
Deadline: 29 February 2024.

Achim Müller (1938 - 2024)

Prof. Achim Müller, member of the Chemical sciences section of Academia Europaea since 1998, passed away on February 28, 2024, 86 years old.
Read the obitury by Michel Verdaguer, Pierre Gouzerh and Anna Proust.

Risto Näätänen (1939 - 2023)

Professor Risto Näätänen, member of the Human Mind and its Complexity, passed away, at the age of 84 years.
Read the obituary by Kimmo Alho, Teija Kujala and Liisa Keltikangas-Järvinen.

AI opportunities and challenges

Read the interview with the 2024 winner of the Hypatia European Science Prize, Professor Nuria Oliver where she shares her reaction to receiving the award and discusses the opportunities and challenges of Artificial Intelligence.

Award to Erol Gelenbe

Professor Erol Gelenbe receives the Honour of Commander of the Order of the Crown of Belgium.

Donald Dingwell elected to the Chinese Academy of Sciences

Prof. Donald Bruce Dingwell, Academic Director of the Academia Europaea Munich Knowledge Hub, has been elected as Foreign Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Lenka Hlávková (1974 - 2023)

Academia Europaea mourns the tragic loss of Professor Lenka Hlávková who was among the victims of the shooting at the Faculty of Arts of Charles Univesity in Prague on December 21, 2023.

Translational European-Asian Network

Academia Europaea signs memorandum of understanding to establish the Translational European-Asian Network TEA-NET initiative.

Cross-sectoral evidence-based governance

SAPEA call for nominations of experts: Cross-sectoral evidence-based governance for One Health in the EU.
Deadline: 22nd January 2024.

Nomination cycle 2023-2024 open

The nomination cycle 2023/2024 has opened. The nominators are asked to pay attention to the new Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA).

Academia Europaea 2023

Season's greetings to all members and visitors of the Academy website.
Read the messages from the Hub Directors highlighting the activities of this year.

Science for Peace - Message from AE President Marja Makarow

Read the end-of-year message from the president of Academia Europaea, Professor Marja Makarow.

Barcelona Hypatia European Science Prize 2023

Nominations for the Barcelona Hypatia European Science Prize is open.
Deadline for nominations: 23rd November 2023.

2024 J. J. Sakurai Prize for Andrzej Buras

Prof. Andrzej J. Buras, member of the Physics and Engineering Sciences section of Academia Europaea was awarded the 2024 J. J. Sakurai Prize for his research on Theoretical Particle Physics.

2023 Madame de Staël Prize for Fabiola Gianotti

ALLEA’s 2023 Madame de Staël Prize was awarded to Professor Fabiola Gianotti, CERN Director-General and member of the Physics and Engineering Sciences section.

Honorary doctorate for Marja Makarow

Prof. Marja Makarow, President of Academia Europaea received an honorary doctorate from the Wrocław University of Science and Technology.

Miguel A.F. Sanjuán appointed as a Full Academician of the Spanish Royal Academy

Prof. Miguel A.F. Sanjuán, member of the Physics and Engineering Sciences section of Academia Europaea, has been appointed as a Full Academician of the Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences.

Solar Radiation Modification - Call for nomination of experts

Call for nomination of experts to take part in a new SAPEA evidence review on ‘Solar Radiation Modification’.
The deadline for nominations is 20th October 2023.

Academia Europaea legal entity in Munich

Marja Makarow, president of Academia Europaea informs about the establishment of a legal entitity in Munich, Germany.

Balzan Prize 2023

The 2023 Balzan Prize awarded to David Damrosch and Heino Falcke.

Nobel Prize in Physics 2023 to Ferenc Krausz

Ferenc Krausz, member of the Physics and engineering sciences section of Academia Europaea since 2012, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics 2023.

Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2023 to Katalin Kariko

Katarin Karikó, member of the Biochemistry & molecular biology section of Academia Europaea since 2020, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2023.

Erasmus Medal 2022

The Trustees are honoured to announce that the distinguished Neuroscientists Jean-Pierre Changeux has been awarded an Erasmus medal of this academy. This will be presented at the annual conference of the Academia Europaea in Munich, October 9-11, 2023.

Adam Kondorosi Academia Europaea Award for Advanced Research 2023

Professor Michael Udvardi will be awarded Adam Kondorosi Academia Europaea Award for Advanced Research 2023 at the Academia Europaea annual conference in Munich on 10th October 2023.

Inaugural Award of the Sydney Brenner Medal

Eugene W. Yeo, Professor of Cellular and Molecular Medicine at the University of California San Diego (UCSD), has been selected as the first (inaugural) recipient of the Academia Europaea Sydney Brenner Medal.

Towards transformative practices in healthy food

Read about the recent workshop by Academia Europaea’s Task Force for Environment, Sustainability, and Climate (TFESC) identifying transformative actions and best practices to promote sustainable agriculture and healthy food systems in Europe.

Adam Kondorosi Early Career Award 2023

Dr. Pierre-Mark Delaux receives the 2023 Adam Kondorosi Academia Europaea Early-Career Investigator Award in recognition of exceptional contributions to the evolution of root nodule symbiosis and the elucidation of the common symbiosis signalling pathway.

Celebrating 30 years of the European Review

Watch the highlights from the celebratory event of the European Review's 30th anniversary in Cambridge in July 2023.

European Review 30 articles for 30 years

Read the anniversary collection of articles to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Academia Europaea’s journal, European Review.

Michela Massimi wins the 2023 Lakatos Award

Professor Michela Massimi, member of the Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies section of Academia Europaea receives the 2023 Lakotos Award.

Leibniz Medal 2023 to Björn Wittrock

Professor Björn Wittrock, Class Chair the Social and Related Sciences Class of Academia Europaea was awarded the Leibniz Medal 2023.

2023 L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Award to Dame Frances Kirwan

Dame Frances Kirwan, member of the Mathematics section of Academia Europaea is awarded the 2023 L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Award.

European Review Volume 31 - Issue 3

Content alert: Do not miss out on reading the articles in the latest issue of the European Review, the journal of Academia Europaea.

Why we need more women in science An interview with Dame Athene Donald

Read the interview with Dame Athene Donald talks about her recently published book which examines the modern way of working in scientific research and how gender bias operates within it.

Dimitrie Cantemir Medal

Prof. Sierd Cloetingh and Prof. Eva Kondorosi receive the Dimitrie Cantemir Medal, the most prestigious award of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova.

Junguo Liu

Professor Junguo Liu, Foreign Member of the Earth and Cosmic Sciences section of Academia Europaea, has been elected as a member of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Science (SATW).

Harald zur Hausen (1936 - 2023)

Prof. Harald zur Hausen, member of the Cell and Developmental Biology section of Academia Europaea since 1990 and Nobel Prize Laureate 2008 passed away on 28th May, 87 years old.
Read the obituary by Professor Crisanto Gutiérrez, the Chair of the Cell and Developmental Biology section.

Italian Opera in Global and Transnational Perspective

Read the new publication by Prof. Axel Körner, member of the History and Archaeology and Musicology and Art History sections. The book of essays discusses the European and global expansion of Italian opera and the significance of this process for debates on opera at home in Italy.

2023 Shaw Prize to Patrick Cramer

Academia Europaea announces the prestigious award of the Shaw Prize in Life Science and Medicine 2023 to Professor Patrick Cramer, member of the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology section.

The Book of Esther between Judaism and Christianity

Read the new publication by Prof. Isaac Kalimi where he demostrates why the book of Esther became one of the central books of Judaism and one of the most neglected books in Christianity.

AE Wrocław Knowledge Hub Jubilee Event

Academia Europaea Wrocław Knowledge Hub celebrates the anniversary of its presence in Poland.
View the recording of the event.

Meeting of AE Knowledge Hubs

Representatives from the seven Academia Europaea Knowledge Hubs and the Graz Information Centre met in Wrocław, Poland.

Telling the story of émigré scientists - An interview with Istvan Hargittai

Read the interview with Professor Istvan Hargittai where he discusses his motivation for writing his latest book ‘Brilliance in Exile,’ which explores the lives of Hungarian émigré scientists who have made significant contributions to science after leaving their country of birth.

Honorary doctorate to Professor Dingwell

Professor Dingwell receives an honorary doctorate from Simon Fraser University.

Telling the stories of women scientists - Interview with Magdolna Hargittai

Magdolna Hargittai discusses her latest book which focuses on the achievements of female scientists and the importance of role models in promoting and supportint more women in STEM.

Gustav Steinmann Medal to Donald B. Dingwell

Prof. Donald B. Dingwell is awarded the Gustav Steinmann Medal of the DGGV, the German national Geology Society.

Meeting the Challenge - Top Women in Science

Throughout history, women have overcome tremendous odds to make lasting contributions to science. In Meeting the Challenge, Magdolna Hargittai, member of the Chemical Sciences section, shares their stories.


Call for nominations for the 2023 ERASMUS MEDAL in a field of Class A1 (Humanities).
Closing date for the nomination is 31st of May 2023 (midnight GMT).

Presentation of the Academia Europaea Barcelona Knowledge Hub

On 25 April 2023, Marja Makarow, President of Academia Europaea and Jaume Bertranpetit, Director of the Barcelona Knowledge Hub, hosted an event on at the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts of Barcelona to present the hub’s new institutional framework and programming.

Sydney Brenner Medal - Call for nominations

Nominations for the new Academia Europaea Sydney Brenner Medal.
The closing date of the nomination period is the 31st of May 2023 (midnight GMT).


Open call for proposals for new initiatives for 2022/2023 (Academia Europeae and Young Academy of Europe members only).

Brilliance in Exile

Brilliance in Exile: The Diaspora of Hungarian Scientists from John von Neumann to Katalin Karikó.
Read the new publication by Professor István Hargittai, member of the Chemical Sciences section of Academia Europaea, and Balazs Hargittai.

Claude Lorius (1932 - 2023)

Professor Claude Lorius, climatologist and member of Academia Europaea since 1989, passed away on Tuesday March 21, 2023.
Read the obituary by Prof. Mike Burton, the Chair of the Earth and Cosmic Sciences section.

Interview with Jaume Bertranpetit

Read the interview with Professor Jaume Bertranpetit, the new Academic Director of the Barcelona Knowledge.

Interview with Susan Wray

Read an interview with Prof. Susan Wray, member of the Physiology and Neuroscience section, to mark the International Women’s Day 2023. Prof. Wray shares her passion for physiology, and the people who have had the greatest impact on her work and career.

Ole Petersen celebrates his 80th birthday

Academia Europaea congratulates its Vice-President and Director of the AE Cardiff Knowledge Hub, Professor Ole Petersen, to his 80th birthday.

Angela McLean appointed UK Chief Scientific Adviser

The UK government has appointed Professor Angela McLean, member of the Organismic and Evolutionary Biology section of Academia Europaea since 2018 as its chief scientific adviser. She will become the UK’s first female chief scientific adviser.

Future of Arctic Science and Science Diplomacy

Watch the video of the recording of the side event co-organized by Academia Europaea Bergen Knowledge Hub at the Arctic Frontiers conference in Tromsø February 3rd, 20223, titled “The Future of Arctic Science and Science Diplomacy”.

AE Newsletter February 2023

Newsletter from the President of Academia Europaea, Professor Marja Makarow.
Febrary 2023.

The Poetics and Ethics of (Un-) Grievability

The Poetics and Ethics of (Un-) Grievability in Contemporary Anglophone Fiction.
Read the new publication by Professor Susana Onega and Professor Jean-Michel Ganteau, members of the Literary and Theatrical Studies section of Academia Europaea.

Global Consequences of Russias Invasion of Ukraine The Economics and Politics

Global Consequences of Russia's Invasion of Ukraine: The Economics and Politics of the Second Cold War.
Read the new publication by Professor Grzegorz W. Kołodko, member of the Economics, Business and Management Sciences section of Academia Europaea.

Nomination cycle 2022-2023

The nomination period 2022/2023 opened on 1 October 2022 and will close on 31 January, 2023.
Academia Europaea encourages all its members to nominate scientists and scholars of international distinction.

Erol Gelenbe Award

Professor Erol Gelenbe awarded the Honour of Commander of the Order of the Crown of Belgium.

Barry Potter Honorary Fellowship

Professor Barry Potter elected to Honorary Fellowship of the British Pharmacological Society.

Academia Europaea Translational Medicine (AETM) Working Group

Call for participation in the newly established Academia Europaea Translational Medicine (AETM) Working Group.
Deadline: 23 December 2022.

European Review Volume 30 - Issue 6

Content alert: Do not miss out on reading the articles in the latest issue of the European Review, the journal of Academia Europaea.

European Review ICONOCLASM

Content alert: Have a look at the special issue of the European Review presenting articles from the ICONOCLASM symposium in Wroclaw organized by the History and Archaeology section of Academia Europaea and sponsored by the Riksbankens Jubileumsfond.

Jacques Dreze (1929 - 2022)

Professor Jacques Drèze, member of the Economics, Business & Management Sciences section of Academia Europaea since 1989, passed away September 25, 2022.

Philippe Ascher (1936-2022)

Professor Philippe ASCHER, member of the Physiology and Neuroscience section of Academia Europaea since 1989, passed away October 4, 2022.

Environment, Climate and Sustainability

Academia Europaea Task Force on Environment, Climate and Sustainability presents her work during the Building Bridges 2022 Annual Conference.

European Review Volume 30 - Issue 5

Content alert: Do not miss out on reading the articles in the latest issue of the European Review, the journal of Academia Europaea. Among others, the issue contains three lectures from the 20201 Academia Europaea annual conference.

Helmut Moritz (1933 - 2022)

Professor Helmut Moritz, member of the Earth and Cosmic Sciences section since
1992, passed away October 21st, 2022.
Read the obituary by Prof. Hans Sünkel, former Rector of the Graz University of Technology.

Eystein Jansen elected Vice President of the ERC

The Academic Director of the Academia Europaea Bergen Knowledge Hub and member of the Earth and Cosmic Sciences section, Prof. Eystein Jansen, is elected Vice President of the European Research Council (ERC).


34th Annual Business meeting of member of the Academia Europaea in Barcelona on 27th October, 2022, 09:00am (Spanish time) – 11:0am.
AGM will also be available virtually.
The AGM is open to all members of the Academia Europaea.

Professor Don Dingwell elected AE Vice President

Prof. Donald Dingwell, the Academic Director of the Munich Knowledge Hub is elected as the Vice President of Academia Europaea.

AE Newsletter October 2022

Newsletter from the President of Academia Europaea, Professor Marja Makarow.
October 2022.

Gold Award to Sierd Cloetingh

Professor Sierd Cloetingh to be awarded Academia Europaea’s Gold Award.

Erasmus Medal 2021

The Board of the Academia Europaea are pleased to announce that the renowned economist Philippe Aghion will be presented with an Erasmus Medal, on 27th October, 2022, at at the annual conference of the Academia Europaea in Barcelona.


Philosopher Nancy Cartwright wins the Barcelona Hypatia European Science Prize for her outstanding contributions to philosophical research.
The ceremony is scheduled to be held at the end of October 2022.


The Young Academy awards the 2022 Mischke Prize to Gergely Toldi. The award will be presented at the joint annual Academia Europaea/Young Academy of Europe meeting in Barcelona in October 2022.

Tullio Pozzan (1949 - 2022)

Tullio Pozzan, member of the Physiology and Neuroscience section since 1998, passed away October 15, 2022.

Luc Steels receives EURAI Distinguished Service Award

Professor Luc Steels, member of the Informatics section of Academia Europaea, is awarded the EURAI Distinguished Service Award 2022.

Peter Hänggi

Professor Peter Hänggi, member of the Physics and Engineering Sciences section of Academia Europaea since 2007, was awarded the Am. Phys. Soc. (APS) Lars Onsager Prize 2023.

Nobel Prize to Alain Aspect and Anton Zeilinger

Prof. Alain Aspect, member of the Physics and Engineering Sciences section and Prof. Anton Zeilinger, member of the Informatics section of the Academy were awarded the The 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics.

Nobel Prize to Svante Pääbo

Prof. Svante Pääbo, member of the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology section of the Academy since 1989 is awarded the The 2022 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

AE-Bergen Hub supports YAE

AE-Bergen Hub will contribute to administrative tasks of YAE.

Sylvie Lorente member of the governing body of ERC

Prof. Lorente, member of the Physics and Engineering Sciences section has been appointed to the governing body of the European Research Council (ERC), the Scientific Council.

Professor Celal Sengör supported by Academia Europaea

Academia Europaea issues a statement in support of Prof. Celâl Şengör from the Istanbul Technical University (İTÜ).

Balzan Prize 2022

Prof. Dorthe Dahl-Jensen and Prof. Johannes Oerlemans from the Earth and Cosmic Science section of Academia Europaea were awarded the 2022 Balzan Prize.

2022 Willet Miller Medal

Professor Donald Bruce Dingwell, Trustee and Academic Director of the Munich Knowledge Hub, receives the 2022 Willet Miller Medal of the Royal Society of Canada.

Passing of Her Majesty the Queen

The Cardiff Knowledge Hub of the Academia Europaea marks the passing of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II.

Bob Dylan Questionnaire

Invitation to participate in a questionnaire about images of Bob Dylan by Professor Anne-Marie Mai, member of the Literary and Theatrical Studies section.

Ukraine A Post-War Phoenix Perspective

Read an article on the war in Ukraine written by Professor Peter Nijkamp from the Open University, Heerlen, The Netherlands, and a member of the Economic, Business and Management Sciences section of Academia Europaea published together with Karima Kourtit from the Open University, Heerlen, The Netherlands, and Gabriela Pascariu Alexandru from the Ioan Cuza University, Romania.

Barry Potter

University of Bath awards the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa, to Prof. Barry Potter, member of the Chemical Sciences section.

Towards sustainable food consumption in the EU

Call for the nomination of experts to take part in a new SAPEA Working Group on ‘Sustainable Food Consumption’.
The deadline for nominations is 2 September 2022.

Artificial Intelligence in Ophthalmology

Andrzej Grzybowski, member of the Clinical and veterinary section of Academia Europaea, has edited a new book, "Artificial Intelligence in Ophthalmology".

Carolyn Gianturco (1934 - 2022)

Professor Carolyn Gianturco, a distinguished member of the Musicology and Art History section of Academia Europaea, passed away April 29, 2022.

Higher Education Research

Ulrich Teichler, member of the Governance, Institutions and Policies: Education, Health and Welfare section of Academia Europaea since 1992, who turned 80 this July, looks back on more than five decades of higher education research.

Katalin Karikó

Prof. Katalin Karikó, member of the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology section of the Academy is awarded the 2022 Tang Prize.

Ole Petersen awarded Palade Prize 2022

Prof. Ole Petersen, Director of the Academia Europaea Cardiff Knowledge Hub, has received the Palade Prize 2022 for his work on the pathophysiology of acute pancreatitis.

Timon Screech

The 2022 Fukuoka Prize awarded to Prof. Timon Screech, member of the Classical Studies & Oriental Studies section of Academia Europaea. The prize honors the outstanding work of individuals, groups and organizations in the field of research and arts and culture.
Award ceremony: 27 September 2022.

2022 Fields medal awarded to 3 Academy members

Three members of Academia Europaea and members of the Mathematics section, Prof. Hugo Duminil-Copin, Prof. James Maynard and Prof. Maryna Viazovska were awarded the 2022 Fields medal.

European Review of Books

Meet a new journal, the European Review of Books.


Academia Europaea members ONLY.
Closing date: 31 August 2022.

Standing up for scientific freedom at a time of war

Read the editorial in the journal FUNCTION where Ole Petersen and Alexei Verkhratsky applaud the actions of scientists who oppose the Russian war against Ukraine.


Academia Europaea members ONLY.
Closing date: 31 August 2022.

John H. Coates (1945 - 2022)

Professor John H. Coates, a distinguished mathematician and a member of the Mathematics section of Academia Europaea since 2015 passed away on 9 May 2022 at the age of 77.

James Yorke Award

Miguel A.F. Sanjuán, member of the Physics and Engineering Sciences section receives the 2022 "James Yorke Award".

Arnold Burgen (1922-2022)

Academia Europaea sadly announces the passing of our founding President Professor Sir Arnold Burgen.

Peter Trudgill

Peter Trudgill, member of the Linguistic studies section awarded Honorary Doctorate from the Universidad de Murcia.

2022 Shaw Prize

The 2022 Shaw Prize awarded to three members of Academia Europaea: Noga Alon and Ehud Hrushovski, members of the Mathematics section and Michael Perryman, member of the Earth and Cosmic Sciences section.

Nina Dethloff

Professor Nina Dethloff appointed Vice-Chair of the German Science and Humanities Council.

2022 NOVO NORDISK Prize to Katalin Kariko

Professor Katalin Kariko awarded the 2022 NOVO NORDISK Prize for the development of the first COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.

Nominations to European Research Council

Members of Academia Europaea are invited to nominate candidates for membership in the Scientific Council of the ERC.

Alexander Vovin (1961–2022)

Professor Alexander Vovin, a prominent member of the Classic and oriental studies section, passed away. Read the obituary by section chair, Prof. Gerd Haverling and the members of the section committee.

2022 L’Oréal-UNESCO for Women in Science International Award

Two members of Academia Europaea, Prof. Katalin Kariko and Prof. Ángela Nieto, were awarded the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science International Award in recognition of the excellence of their research in the fields of life sciences.

Olav Eldholm (1941 - 2022)

Professor Olav Eldholm, Professor Emeritus from the University of Bergen and a distinguished member of the Earth and Cosmic Sciences section passed away on March 18, 80 years old.
Read the obituary by Prof. Eystein Jansen, the Academic Director of the Academia Europaea Bergen Knowledge Hub.

Arnold Burgen - Centenary birthday

Professor Arnold Burgen, the founder and first President of Academia Europaea celebrates his 100th birthday on 20 March, 2022.

Nomination cycle 2021-2022

Academia Europaea members are invited to submit nominations for membership.
The nomination cycle 2021/2022 has been extended till 31 March 2022.


Deadline for the nomination: 31st March 2022 (midnight GMT).

In Memoriam John Elliott (1930 – 2022)

Sir John Elliott, distinguished member of the History and Archaeology section passed away March 10, 2022. Read the memorial words by Prof. Manuel Lucena Giraldo and Prof. Nikita Harwich.

Benefits of scientific collaboration

Read about scientific collaboration with Ukrainian scholars.

Framework Agreement for continuation of Academia Europaea Knowledge Hub in Wroclaw

The President of Academia Europaea, Professor Sierd Cloetingh and the Mayor of Wrocław, Rafał Dutkiewicz signed the official Framework Agreement for Continuation of Academia Europaea Knowledge Hub in Wrocław.

Ferenc Krausz

Professor Frenc Krausz, member of the Physics and Engineering Sciences secton is awarded the 2022 Wolf Prize in Physics.

Luc Montagnier (1932 - 2022)

Academia Europaea is saddened to announce the death of the 2008 Nobel Prize recipient and member of the Cell and Development Biology section of the Academy since 1988, Professor Luc Montagnier.

AE members continue to serve on the European Group on Ethics

Professors Barbara Prainsack MAE and Nils-Eric Sahlin MAE are reappointed as members of the European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies (EGE).

Charles-Edouard Levillain

2021 Descartes-Huygens Prize to Prof. Charles-Édouard Levillain, professor of modern British history at the research laboratory on anglophone cultures of the University of Paris-CNRS and a member of the History & Archaeology Section of Academia Europaea.

Academy of Athens

Read about the Climate Change related activities at the Academy of Athens.

Thibault Damour

Professor Thibault Damour, member of the Physics and Engineering Sciences section, is awarded the 2021 Balzan Prize.

Kin, People or Nation

Kin, People or Nation? On European Political Identities.
A new publication by Victor Neumann, member of the History and Archaeology section.
The book shows how the variety of connotations associated with the ideas of 'nation' and 'people' have been circumscribed in south-eastern Europe.

A Farewell from the President

Farewell message from the outgoing President of the Academia Europaea, Professor Sierd Cloetingh.

Valedictory Presidential Lecture

Valedictory presidential lecture by Professor Sierd Cloetingh, President of Academia Europaea from 2014 till 2020.

Harm Pinkster (1941 - 2021)

The outstanding Latin scholar, Professor Harm Pinkster, a former Council member of Academia Europaea and a member of the section for Classical and Oriental studies since 1989 and its former chair, passed away on December 14th 2021 after a short period of illness.

Siegfried Selberherr

Prof. Siegfried Selberherr, member of the Informatics section of Academia Europaea was elected Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association.

Ravikumar Majeti

Humboldt Research Award to Dr. Ravikumar Majeti, member of the Clinical & Veterinary Science section of Academia Europaea.

Academia Europaea Knowledge Hub at Wrocław Tech

The agreement on the transfer of the Wrocław Hub to the Wrocław University of Science and Technology was signed by Prof. Arkadiusz Wójs, Prof. Sierd Cloetingh, Prof. Marja Makarow, and Jacek Sutryk, Mayor of Wrocław.

Jacques Tits (1930 - 2021)

Jacques Tits, Professor Emeritus from the Collège de France in Paris and a distinguished member of the Mathematics section of Academia Europaea since 1988 passed away December 5, 2021. Prof. Tits was a founding member of Academia Europaea.

Award to Katalin Kariko

Professor Katalin Kariko, member of the Biochemistry and Molecular biology section of Academia Europaea, receives the 2021 Princess of Asturias Award for Technical and Scientific Research.

Marja Makarow

Professor Marja Makarow appointed to the Board of the new European Innovation Council.

Fighting Over the Bible

A publication by Isaac Kalimi, member of the Philosophy, theology and religious studies section.
The book explores the conflicts between mainstream Jews and their internal and external opponents, especially between particular Jewish groups such as Pharisees, Sadducees, Qumranites, Samaritans, Rabbanites and Karaites, as well as with Christians and Muslims regarding their interpretations of Jewish Scripture.

Miguel Servet Award for Research Excellence

Professor Susana Onega, Professor Emeritus from the University of Zaranoza and a member of the Literary and Theatrical Section of Academia Europaea granted the Miguel Servet Award for Research Excellence.

Gold Medal 2021

Professor Ole Petersen has received the Gold Medal for his contribution to the development of European science at Academia Europaea’s Annual Conference.

Maria Paradiso

Professor Maria Paradiso appointed in the Governing Board of the International
Science Council.

Gold Award

The Gold Award of Academia Europaea will be awarded to Professor Ole Petersen MAE FRS for his contribution to the development of European Science.

Erasmus Medal

The Academia Europaea are pleased to award an Erasmus Medal to Professor Roger Penrose, internationally renowned Mathematician and Physicist and Professor (emeritus) of Mathematics, Oxford University.
The event will take place on Wednesday 20 October, 2021.

Nikolaos Stampolidis

Professor Nikolaos Stampolidis elected as the first Director-General of the Acropolis Museum.

GÖMBÖC piece to Roger Penrose

As a compliment to the award of the 2020 Erasmus medal of the Academia Europaea, Professor Roger Penrose will also receive a unique GÖMBÖC piece.

Nobel Prize to three AE members

Breaking news: Prof. Syukuro Manabe and Prof. Klaus Hasselmann, members of the Earth and Cosmic Sciences section and Prof. Giorgio Parisi, member of the Physics and Engineering Sciences section were awarded the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics.

Katalin Karikó announced NIHF Inductee

Prof. Katalin Karikó of Pensylvania University and a member of the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology section of the Academy is among the National Inventors Hall of Fame® (NIHF) 2022 class of Inductees for her invention of Modified mRNA Technology Used in COVID-19 Vaccines.

Stig Strömholm

Stig Strömholm, the third President of Academia Europaea celebrates his 90th birthday.


Professor Benno Werlen has launched an international initiative to highlight the significance of attaining the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) before the 2030 target date.

2021 William Prager Medalist

Professor Gerhard A. Holzapfel, member of the Physics and Engineering Science section of the Academy, was awarded the prestigious William Prager Medal.

Donald Dingwell member of the Order of Newfoundland and Labrador

We are pleased to report that professor Don Dingwell, Chair of Class B (exact and Natural Sciences), Academic Director of the AE Knowledge Hub - Munich, has received the highest honour from the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador.

AE Newsletter August 2021

Read the newsletter from the President of Academia Europaea, Professor Sierd Cloetingh.
August 2021.

Shalini Randeria CEU Rector and President

Professor Shalini Randeria, member of the Governance, Institutions and Policies: Education, Health and Welfare section of Academia Europaea, has been elected the 6th Rector and President of Central European University (CEU).

Maria Leptin

Professor Maria Leptin, member of the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology section of Academia Europaea, appointed as the incoming President of the European Research Council.

Karl Fuchs (1932 - 2021)

Professor Dr. Karl Fuchs, distinguished member of the Earth and Cosmic Sciences section, passed away on 22 March 2021 after a remarkable scientific career.
Read the obituary by Hans Thybo, MAE and Sierd Cloetingh, president of Academia Europaea.

Donald Dingwell elected to the Royal Society

Prof. Donald B. Dingwell, Academia Europaea Vice-President and a member of the Earth and Cosmic Sciences section of Academia Europaea elected as Fellow of the Royal Society.

Christian Dustmann

Professor Christian Dustmann, member of the Economics, business and management sciences section of Academia Europaea has been awarded the Carl-Friedrich-von-Weizsäcker-Prize 2020.

Pieter Muysken (1950 – 2021)

Professor Pieter Muysken, member of the Linguistics section of Academia Europaea passed away 6 April 2021.

Qiuming Cheng

AAG Gold Medal awarded to Prof. Qiuming Cheng, a member of the Earth and Cosmic Sciences section of the Academy.

2021 Abel Prize

Academia Europaea are proud to announce the award of the 2021 Abel Prize to the distinguished member Professor László Lovász MAE, the Academic Director of the AE Budapest Knowledge Hub and a member of the Mathematics section of Academia Europaea.

Wolf Prize 2021

2021 Wolf Prize awarded to two members of Academia Europaea, Professor Joan Steitz and Professor Giorgio Parisi.

Paul Crutzen (1933 - 2021)

Professor Paul J. Crutzen, Nobel Prize Laureate for Chemistry 1995, Erasmus Medal winner 1997 and member of the Earth and Cosmic Science section of Academia Europaea passed away 28 January 2021.
Read the commemorative words by Professor Sierd Cloetingh, the President of Academia Europaea.

The Temptation of Homo Europaeus

A new edition of the book by Prof. Victor Neumann, member of the History and archaeology section of the Academy.

Assar Lindbeck (1930 - 2020)

Professor Assar Lindbeck, member of the Economics, Business & Management section of Academia Europaea passed away 28 August 2020.
Read the commemorative words by Prof. Zimmermann, the Chair of the Economics, Business Management section.

Jerzy Langer

Prof. Jerzy Langer elected to President of the Warsaw Scientific Society.

Copley Medal

The Copley Medal 2020 is awarded to Sir Alan Fersht MAE.

Richard Catlow

Professor Richard Catlow, of Cardiff University and University College London and member of the Chemical sciences section has been awarded the prize for his contribution to physical chemistry.

Arkadiusz Wojs

Professor Arkadiusz Wójs, Academic Director of the Academia Europaea Wroclaw Knowledge Hub and member of the Physics and engineering sciences section, was elected Rector of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology.

Leon O. Chua

Leon O. Chua receives the 2020 Julius Springer Prize for Applied Physics.

From Research to Public Health Policy

Professor Martin McKee talks about Public Health, his role at the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies and his latest research on the adverse effects of movement restrictions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dieter Grimm

Professor Dieter Grimm, a member of the Law section of Academia Europaea, elected Fellow of the British Academy.

Ineke Sluiter

Ineke Sluiter awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Bristol.

Order of Canada

Order of Canada awarded to Professor Donald B. Dingwell

Academic Palms

Chevalier in the Order of Academic Palms awarded to Adrian Bejan, a member of the Physics and Engineering Science section of Academia Europaea.

Amélia Polónia

Professor Amélia Polonia, a distinguished member of the History & Archaeology Section Committee, awarded a ''Honoris Causa'' Doctorate.

Sir Michael Berridge (1938-2020)

Sir Michael Berridge, member of the Biochemistry and molecular biology section and one of the early members of Academia Europaea, passed away on 13 February 2020.

Herbert Gleiter

Prof. Herber Gleiter, member of the Physics and Engineering Sciences section, elected Researcher of the Year 2020 by the Advanced Materials Letters.

Barbara Wright (1935 - 2019)

Barbara Wright, former Chair of the Literary and Theatrical section and a member of the Council of Academia Europaea died 14 December 2019.

Gerald Haug

Gerald Haug elected President of the the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina.

Michel Che (1941 - 2019)

Michel Che, former Section Chair of the Chemical Sciences section and a member of the Council and the Board of Academia Europaea died 7 August 2019 at the age of 77.

Alan Dixon

Professor Alan Dixon to be awarded the second Adam Kondorosi – AE Advanced Award for Research in recognition of his lifetime contribution to the field of Plant-Microbe symbioses. The award ceremony will take place on Thursday 24 October 2019, at the Academia Europaea annual conference in Barcelona.

Interview with Peter Hegyi

Read the interview with Professor Peter Hegyi, Director of the Centre of Transnational Medicine, the University of Pécs.

Adrian Bejan Receives Humboldt Research Award for Lifetime Achievement

Prof. Bejan receives an award for his pioneering contributions to modern thermodynamics and "Constructal Law".

Interview with Rosalind L Smyth

Read the interview with Professor Rosalind L Smyth, Director and Professor of Child Health UCL Great Ormond St Institute of Child Health

Donald Bruce Dingwell

VIP Career Achievement Award to Donald B. Dingwell, the Vice-President of Academia Europaea, by the Geological Association of Canada (CAC).

Tbilisi Regional Knowledge Hub

Academia Europaea and the Young Academy of Europe formally launch a new Regional Knowledge Hub in Tbilisi (Republic of Georgia) on 24 April 2019.

Ewald R. Weibel

Ewald R. Weibel (1929 – 2019)

Lord Martin Rees

Interview with Astronomer Royal Professor Martin Rees on occassion of the publication of his latest book On the Future: Prospects for Humanity.

Jean Bourgain (1954 - 2018)

Jean Bourgain, a member of the Mathematics section of Academia Europaea and a recipient of the Fields Medal, died December 22 at the age of 64.

Letter from the Honorary Treasurer

Newsletter from the new Honorary Treasurer Veljko Milutinovic concerning present and future strategic plans.

Barcelona Hypatia European Science Prize

The Barcelona Hypatia European Science Prize awarded to Dr. László Lovász, AE member and current President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Award to Marja Makarow

Award of the Chevalier dans l’ordre de la Légion d’honneur to Professor Marja Makarow.

Sierd Cloetingh Royal Astronomical Society

Professor Sierd Cloetingh made Honorary Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society

André Mischke (1972-2018)

André Mischke (1972-2018)


An article by Prof. Hans Ulrich Jessurun d’Oliveira.
Presented at the History & Archaeology Section first bi-annual workshop
in the Wrocław Knowledge Hub, 3-4 September 2018.

Robert-Jan Smits

Gold Medal awarded to Robert-Jan Smits MAE (h.c).
Monday 24th September 2018, at the Royal Society, London.

Professor John Tucker

Interview with Professor John Tucker MAE, Professor of Computer Science, Swansea University

2018 Erasmus Medal

The Board of trustees and Council are pleased to announce that the 2018 Erasmus Medal will be presented to Hans Clevers at the 30th annual meeting of the Academia, Barcelona – 29th November, 2018.
Professor Clevers will deliver the 2018 Erasmus - Heinz-Nixdorf Lecture entitled “Stem cell based organoids as avatars in human disease”.

Sir Roger Elliott (1928 - 2018)

Sir Roger Elliott, former Treasurer of Academia Europaea, passed away on April 16, 2018.

Nicole Grobert appointed to Group of Chief Scientific Advisors

Nicole Grobert, Professor of Nanomaterials at the Department of Materials in the University of Oxford, and former Young Academy of Europea (YAE) Chair joins Group of Chief Scientific Advisors to EC Commissioner Moedas.

Judith Lockett

Judith Lockett, the Executive Officer of the Cardiff Knowledge Hub, has retired.

Walter B. Cannon Award Lectureship

Ole H. Petersen, Vice President of Academia Europaea, is awarded the Physiology in Perspective: The Walter B. Cannon Award Lectureship.

The Brain Prize for 2018

The Brain Prize for 2018 is awarded to Bart De Strooper and Christian Haass.


Deadline for the nomination: September 30, 2018.

Kim Nasmyth

2018 Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences awarded to Prof. Kim Nasmyth, member of the Cell and Developmental Biology section

Erol Gelenbe

The Mustafa Prize 2017 awarded to Prof. Erol Gelenbe, member of the Informatics section

Adrian Bejan

Adrian Bejan named 2018 Franklin Institute Award Laureate.

Fotis Kafatos

Fotis Kafatos, founding President of the European Research Council (ERC) and a distinguished member of the Cell and Developmental Biology Section of Academia Europaea passed away 18 November 2017.

Onora O'Neill

2017 Berggruen Prize for Philosophy & Culture awarded to Prof. Onora Sylvia O’Neill

Maurice Nivat (1937 - 2017)

Prof. Maurice Nivat, distinguised member of the Informatics section of Academia Europaea, passed away 21 September 2017.

Maria da Graça Carvalho

Professor Maria da Graça Carvalho, Member of the Scientific Advice Mechanism (SAM) Unit of the European Commission and Professor at IST, University of Lisbon, has been elected Honorary member of Academia Europaea.

Election of Sierd Cloetingh as President

The re-election of Professor Sierd Cloetingh (University of Utrecht) to the Presidency for a second term confirmed by the membership of the Academia Europaea at their Annual Business Meeting on 4 September 2017 in Budapest.
Read the President's election statement.

2017 Erasmus Medal

2017 Erasmus Medal for individual scholarship and career-long achievement to Professor Andreu Mas-Colell.

Allan Downie

The first AE-Adam Kondorosi prize awarded to Professor Allan Downie

Gold Medal of the Academia Europaea

Gold Medal of the Academia Europaea to Professor Helga Nowotny MAE

Anne Buttimer (1938–2017)

Anne Buttimer, Vice President of the Academia Europaea, passed away on July 15, 2017

Krijn de Jong

Krijn de Jong, Professor at Utrecht University has been selected as the recipient of the 2017 Francois Gault Lectureship.

Holberg Prize 2017

The Holberg Prize 2017 awarded to British scholar and Philosophy Professor Onora O'Neill.

The 2016 AE Russia Prizes

The 2016 AE Russia Prizes awards ceremony.

Call for presentations

Call for presentations on behalf of the History and Archaelogy section at the Academia Europaea 29th Annual Conference 2017 in Budapest
Provisional programme now available

Sonata a tre

The complete catalogue raisonné of the Sonata a tre edited by Ludwig Finscher, Laurenz Lütteken and Inga Mai Groote

Petition in support of Professor Hans Thybo

Signatures on a petition in support of Professor Thybo MAE

Ole Petersen

Interview with Professor Ole Petersen, Vice-President Academia Europaea and
Cardiff Hub Academic Director

Paul Hagenmuller

Paul Hagenmuller, member of the Chemical Sciences section, passed away on January 7, 2017

Award to Herbert Gleiter

Award of the "Medal of Friendship-Order of Merit" and election to the rank of Fellow of the US National Academy of Inventors (NAI) to Prof. Herbert Gleiter.

Balzan Prize 2016

Balzan Prize 2016 awarded to Piero Boitani, Federico Capasso and Reinhard Jahn.

2016 Annual Balzan Lecture

2016 Annual Balzan Lecture held by Pascale Cossart at EPFL in Lausanne, December 14, 2016.

Sierd Cloetingh Emil Wiechert Medal

Emil Wiechert medal to AE President Sierd Cloetingh

Alex Verkhratsky

Alex Verkhratsky named Niels Bohr Professor at the University of Copenhagen

Sir Ralph Kohn

Sir Ralph Kohn, an Honorary Member of Academia Europaea, died November 11, 2016.

Carlo Doglioni

Prof. Carlo Doglioni nominated President of the INGV - Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Rome

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2016

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2016 awarded to Ben Feringa (jointly with Jean-Pierre Sauvage and Sir J. Fraser Stoddart).

Antoine Bailly

Doctorate Honoris Causa from the University Ioan Cuza of Iasi for Antoine Bailly

Zoltan Esik (1951-2016)

Zoltán Ésik died May 25, 2016.

Sybille Guenter

EPS Emily Noether Distinction for Women in Physics awarded to Prof. Sybille Günter

Xavier Costa-Guix

Elected as an independent member of Council

2016 Erasmus Medal

The Academia Europaea have awarded the 2016 Erasmus Medal to Astronomer Royal Lord Martin Rees FRS MAE at their annual meeting and conference in Cardiff.

Janette Atkinson

2016 Davida Teller Award to Janette Atkinson

Sir Partha S. Dasgupta

Sir Partha S. Dasgupta awarded the 2016 John and Alice Tyler Prize of the University of Southern California

Sir Richard Blundell

The 2016 Nemmers Prize in Economics awarded to Sir Richard Blundell

Sir Andrew J. Wiles

Abel Prize 2016 to Sir Andrew J. Wiles.

Maurizio Brunori

2016 Eraldo Antonini Award to Maurizio Brunori

Adrian Bejan and the Sagrada Família

New article in The National Geographic about the final phase of construction of The Sagrada Familia in Barcelona.

Lisa Jardine (1944 - 2015)

Lisa Jardine died October 25, 2015.

Evguenii Burov (1963 - 2015)

Evguenii Burov died October 9, 2015

Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2015

Tomas Lindahl awarded Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2015

Zdeněk Bažant

Elected to Royal Society of London

2015 Erasmus Medal

Professor Dame Edith HALL, the acclaimed International Classicist, to receive the 2015 Erasmus Medal on September 7th, at the 27th Annual conference to be held in Darmstadt

Marja Makarow

Appointed Chairperson of the Board of Technology Academy Finland

José Mariano Gago (1948 - 2015)

José Mariano Gago died April 17, 2015.

Sierd Cloetingh Vice President of the European Research Council

Sierd Cloetingh appointed new Vice President of the European Research Council

Carl Djerassi (1923 - 2015)

Carl Djerassi died January 30, 2015.

Albert Shiryaev

80th anniversary

Vautrin Lud Prize in Geography

Awarded to Anne Buttimer

Wilfried Bauer (1937–2014)

Wilfried Brauer, a member of the Informatics Section, died February 2014.

Anne Buttimer

AAG Lifetime Achievement Honors for Anne Buttimer

2013 Erasmus Medal

2013 Erasmus Medal Awarded to the international historian, Professor Norman Davies.

Seamus Heaney (1939 - 2013)

Irish poet Seamus Heaney died August 30, 2013.

Robert Edwards

Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine 2010 to Robert G. Edwards

John Gurdon

Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2012

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