Member News Archive#


An article by Prof. Hans Ulrich Jessurun d’Oliveira.
Presented at the History & Archaeology Section first bi-annual workshop
in the Wrocław Knowledge Hub, 3-4 September 2018.

Robert-Jan Smits

Gold Medal awarded to Robert-Jan Smits MAE (h.c).
Monday 24th September 2018, at the Royal Society, London.

Professor John Tucker

Interview with Professor John Tucker MAE, Professor of Computer Science, Swansea University

2018 Erasmus Medal

The Board of trustees and Council are pleased to announce that the 2018 Erasmus Medal will be presented to Hans Clevers at the 30th annual meeting of the Academia, Barcelona – 29th November, 2018.
Professor Clevers will deliver the 2018 Erasmus - Heinz-Nixdorf Lecture entitled “Stem cell based organoids as avatars in human disease”.

Sir Roger Elliott (1928 - 2018)

Sir Roger Elliott, former Treasurer of Academia Europaea, passed away on April 16, 2018.

Nicole Grobert appointed to Group of Chief Scientific Advisors

Nicole Grobert, Professor of Nanomaterials at the Department of Materials in the University of Oxford, and former Young Academy of Europea (YAE) Chair joins Group of Chief Scientific Advisors to EC Commissioner Moedas.

Judith Lockett

Judith Lockett, the Executive Officer of the Cardiff Knowledge Hub, has retired.

Walter B. Cannon Award Lectureship

Ole H. Petersen, Vice President of Academia Europaea, is awarded the Physiology in Perspective: The Walter B. Cannon Award Lectureship.

The Brain Prize for 2018

The Brain Prize for 2018 is awarded to Bart De Strooper and Christian Haass.


Deadline for the nomination: September 30, 2018.

Kim Nasmyth

2018 Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences awarded to Prof. Kim Nasmyth, member of the Cell and Developmental Biology section

Erol Gelenbe

The Mustafa Prize 2017 awarded to Prof. Erol Gelenbe, member of the Informatics section

Adrian Bejan

Adrian Bejan named 2018 Franklin Institute Award Laureate.

Fotis Kafatos

Fotis Kafatos, founding President of the European Research Council (ERC) and a distinguished member of the Cell and Developmental Biology Section of Academia Europaea passed away 18 November 2017.

Onora O'Neill

2017 Berggruen Prize for Philosophy & Culture awarded to Prof. Onora Sylvia O’Neill

Maurice Nivat (1937 - 2017)

Prof. Maurice Nivat, distinguised member of the Informatics section of Academia Europaea, passed away 21 September 2017.

Maria da Graça Carvalho

Professor Maria da Graça Carvalho, Member of the Scientific Advice Mechanism (SAM) Unit of the European Commission and Professor at IST, University of Lisbon, has been elected Honorary member of Academia Europaea.

Election of Sierd Cloetingh as President

The re-election of Professor Sierd Cloetingh (University of Utrecht) to the Presidency for a second term confirmed by the membership of the Academia Europaea at their Annual Business Meeting on 4 September 2017 in Budapest.
Read the President's election statement.

2017 Erasmus Medal

2017 Erasmus Medal for individual scholarship and career-long achievement to Professor Andreu Mas-Colell.

Allan Downie

The first AE-Adam Kondorosi prize awarded to Professor Allan Downie

Gold Medal of the Academia Europaea

Gold Medal of the Academia Europaea to Professor Helga Nowotny MAE

Anne Buttimer (1938–2017)

Anne Buttimer, Vice President of the Academia Europaea, passed away on July 15, 2017

Krijn de Jong

Krijn de Jong, Professor at Utrecht University has been selected as the recipient of the 2017 Francois Gault Lectureship.

Holberg Prize 2017

The Holberg Prize 2017 awarded to British scholar and Philosophy Professor Onora O'Neill.

The 2016 AE Russia Prizes

The 2016 AE Russia Prizes awards ceremony.

Call for presentations

Call for presentations on behalf of the History and Archaelogy section at the Academia Europaea 29th Annual Conference 2017 in Budapest
Provisional programme now available

Sonata a tre

The complete catalogue raisonné of the Sonata a tre edited by Ludwig Finscher, Laurenz Lütteken and Inga Mai Groote

Petition in support of Professor Hans Thybo

Signatures on a petition in support of Professor Thybo MAE

Ole Petersen

Interview with Professor Ole Petersen, Vice-President Academia Europaea and
Cardiff Hub Academic Director

Paul Hagenmuller

Paul Hagenmuller, member of the Chemical Sciences section, passed away on January 7, 2017

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