André Mischke YAE Prize for Science and Policy 2020
Call for nominations#
2020 Prize#
Currently, the search committee is looking for nominations for the 2020 edition.
Nominations should be sent to by 29 February 2020,
and should include a short CV (max. 2 pages) accompanied by a short
statement (max. 1 page) describing key activities and providing evidence of
relevant accomplishments for which the candidate is nominated for.
Nominations for the prize can be made by any individual or organization, not only
members of the YAE!
Selection criteria and procedure#
The André Mischke YAE Prize for Science and Policy honours outstanding contributions and achievements that align with the core mission of the YAE. It is awarded on recommendation of the YAE Prize Search Committee and by decision of the YAE Board (see below). The YAE prize (EUR 1 000, contingent on sufficient available funds) will be officially awarded at the Annual Meeting of the YAE.
- Candidates should be early-to mid career academics or professionals (e.g., 10–15 years after PhD) of any nationality, but who are working/have worked in Europe, or abroad at a European Institution.
- The candidate is neither a YAE member nor a YAE alumna/alumnus.
General criteria for the André Mischke YAE Prize for Science and Policy#
Candidates will have demonstrated at least one of the following:- Important contributions to European science policy, by actively engaging with policy-makers in an attempt to influence science policy and contribute to the development of a European science agenda for the coming decades
- Important contributions to evidence-informed policy at the national or European levels
- Important contributions to science communication and citizen science, especially facilitating communication between scientists and scholars with the general public in Europe, with an emphasis on societal issues, quality of life and standards of living in Europe
- Important contributions to strengthening the solidarity and networking amongst exceptional young researchers and scholars in Europe to create a pool of information, pass on experience, give feedback, and provide active support to present and future colleagues across Europe
The Award#
- The awardee will be invited to give the André Mischke YAE Prize for Science and Policy lecture at the YAE Annual meeting following the award
- The awardee will receive a cash prize of EUR 1 000.
Procedure for identifying candidate to receive the award#
- All members of the YAE, European National Young Academies, Academia Europaea and other European (scientific) organizations are invited to nominate an outstanding candidate for the YAE prize. Self-nominations are also encouraged (except for YAE members and YAE Alumni).
- Nominations must provide the following:
- Summary of key achievements (1 Page)
- Short CV (max 2 pages)
- The YAE Prize Search Committee will evaluate nominations, and the Awardee will be selected by a vote of the current elected Board of the YAE.
YAE Prize Search Committee#
The search committee for the 2020 edition of the André Mischke YAE Prize for
Science and Policy has two representatives for each of the three domains (Life
Sciences; Physical Sciences and Engineering; Social Sciences and Humanities) and
includes the Chair of the YAE Advisory Council.
Life Sciences
Gemma Modinos
Leif Schroeder
Physical Sciences and in Engineering
Nicole Grobert
Marcel Swart
Social Sciences and Humanities
Genoveva Martí
Jörg Peltzer
Advisory members
Anna von der Heydt
Alban Kellerbauer
Mangala Srinivas
Download the call for nominations