

Seconded National Experts for the ERCEA#


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The European Research Council Executive Agency (ERCEA) is organising a Call for Expression of Interest in view of establishing a Reserve List of approximately four (4) candidates for each profile:

Seconded National Experts - Research Programme Experts#

in Departments A and B#

For the following profiles:#

1. Unit A.1 Scientific Support to ERC
2. Unit B.1 Ethics Officer
3. Unit B.3 Life Sciences
4. Unit B.4 Engineering (two posts)
5. Unit B.4 Chemistry or Materials Science
6. Unit B.4 Earth System Science
7. Unit B.5 Social Sciences and Humanities

The Applications MUST be forwarded by the Permanent Representations, the EFTA Secretariat or the Permanent Delegation of Turkey By Tuesday, 21 April 2020, at 12:00 (midday) Brussels time.

Note to the attention of UK applicants:
In line with the eligibility conditions described in this document, candidates from the UK will no longer be considered eligible, in case of, and at the date of Brexit.

1 Who we are#

The ERCEA is dedicated to selecting and funding the excellent ideas that have not happened yet, and the scientists that are dreaming them up.

In practice, the ERCEA supports the work of the ERC, the first pan-European funding body sustaining excellent frontier research in Europe, set up by the European Union in February 2007. The ERCEA was created in order to manage the Ideas Programme, part of the EU's Seventh Research Framework Programme (FP7). Its mandate was renewed until 2024, for the implementation of part of the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2014-2020).

In order to achieve the ERC's objectives, the ERCEA manages several frontier research grants: 'Starting Grants' targeted at early-career, emerging research leaders, 'Consolidator Grants', aimed at excellent researchers who are already independent, 'Advanced Grants' that support established top researchers, as well as 'Synergy Grants' for groups of two to four Principal Investigators to jointly address ambitious research projects. The grants fund projects in any field of research, with excellence as the sole selection criterion. Since the creation of the Agency, more than 9,000 top researchers at various stages of their careers have been supported. Under Horizon 2020, the ERCEA has a total budget of some €13 billion.

The ERCEA is dedicated to excellence in research and in all aspects of its work, and seeks to attract professional, highly-motivated staff with the right qualifications and expertise. The ERCEA's working environment is modern, dynamic, inspiring and engaging.

Unit A.1 assists the Scientific Council in its tasks and provides the secretariat for the meetings of the Scientific Council and the ERC Board. In particular, the Unit helps the Scientific Council to establish the overall research funding and management strategy of the ERC, including the annual work programme, and leads the assessment, monitoring, evaluation, reporting and statistical analysis of the ERC's activities.

Department B carries out the tasks of the ERC that require an understanding of the scientific subject matter. It implements the peer review process for the selection of ERC grants and the processes for scientific monitoring of grants. The Department advises the Scientific Council in areas related to scientific matters.

The Agency is situated in the heart of Brussels and expected to count a total staff of 529 by the end of 2020. For more details on the ERC and ERCEA, please visit our website: http://erc.europa.eu.

SNE Research Programme Experts in Departments A and B of the ERCEA#

2 What we offer#

The purpose of this Call for Expression of Interest is to draw up a Reserve List of approximately four (4) candidates for positions as Seconded National Experts (SNEs) for specific scientific profiles.

Candidates will have one of the following profiles:

1. Unit A.1 Scientific Support to ERC
2. Unit B.1 Ethics Officer
3. Unit B.3 Life Sciences
4. Unit B.4 Engineering (two positions)
5. Unit B.4 Chemistry or Materials Science
6. Unit B.4 Earth System Science
7. Unit B.5 Social Sciences and Humanities

Candidates may only apply to one profile. Candidates must make their choice when they apply and will not be able to change it after they have validated their application. If they encounter difficulties in choosing one of these profiles, they should select the profile that best matches with their main area of expertise.

Rules applicable to National Experts seconded to the ERCEA ("SNE Rules") may be found here. The SNE shall be entitled, throughout the period of the secondment, to a daily subsistence allowance (currently €143.30 per diem and a monthly subsistence allowance depending on the distance between the place of origin and the place of secondment.

The initial duration of secondment is typically two years. The secondment may be renewed up to a total period not exceeding four years (see Article 4 of the SNE Rules).

The place of secondment is Brussels, Belgium.

The secondment is expected to start in the second half of 2020.

3 Selection Criteria for each profile #

The duties of the successful candidate, per profile, will be the following:

3.1 Unit A.1 Scientific Support to the European Research Council

a. Job Description

The successful candidate will contribute in the analysis of the impact of policies, legislation or programmes, including the collection and processing of data, the development and use of monitoring tools and systems, with a view to contributing to strategic policy analysis on ERC funding activities. The successful candidate should have excellent communication skills, including the capacity to communicate technical and specialised information in writing or in meetings to various audiences.

The duties of the successful candidate will be one or several of the following:

  • Analyse, evaluate and report on the implementation of the current ERC strategy, including in the area of open science; follow-up and monitor the progress of new policy developments, ensure coherence in the implementation of the ERC strategy guidelines and priorities.
  • Develop, propose and follow up relevant to the ERC strategy statistical surveys, data collection and information gathering activities.
  • Organise, prepare, run and/or supervise quantitative and qualitative policy analyses, studies, consultations and/or extended assessments.
  • Process, structure, analyse and understand relevant data and information in order to support and implement strategic activities of the ERC Scientific Council.
  • Draft and update comprehensive reports and/or briefings primarily for the ERC Scientific Council.
  • Study results of stakeholder consultations and integrate them into informative documents for the ERC Scientific Council.

b. Main Skills and Qualifications
  • A level of education corresponding to completed university studies attested by a diploma preferably in a field related to data and strategic analysis.
  • Excellent command of written and spoken English (C1 or higher) and a satisfactory knowledge of another European Union language to the extent necessary for the performance of their duties.
  • Professional experience of at least five years in the area of the profile.
  • Good understanding of the ERCEA business and the context of the ERCEA.
  • Ability to handle different priorities at the same time, being at ease with multitasking and working under pressure.

3.2 Unit B.1 Ethics Officer

a. Job Description

The duties of the successful candidate will consist in participating in the implementation of the ethics review and ethics monitoring processes of research proposals and projects.

The work of an ethics officer consists in reviewing the ethical aspects of proposals before granting and following up on those ethical aspects after granting. The former is called “ethics review”, while the latter is called “ethics monitoring”.

The ethics review is done with the help of external experts, for which about 20 panel meetings are organised each year in Brussels, lasting between three and five days each. The ethics experts, and the ethics officers, deal with a broad range of ethics domains such as clinical research, animal welfare, human rights, data protection, research with cells and tissues, research in low income countries, environmental protection and safety, misuse and dual use, artificial intelligence. Ethics officers are responsible for organising these panels and also participate in these panel meetings to follow discussions and to keep records. After the panel meetings, ethics officers are in frequent contact with our beneficiaries to assist them in complying with the ethics requirements that have been drafted by the ethics review panels.

Most of our grants last for five years. About 40% of the funded grants get a conditional ethics clearance before granting. These grants require a follow-up on the ethics requirements during the life-time of a grant. Each ethics officer is responsible for a portfolio of grants. The monitoring process consists of contacting the beneficiaries to obtain documents in reply to ethics requirements and to draft monitoring notes that provide an analysis of the state-of-play of the ethics requirements.

The workload of an ethics officer is about 40% in ethics review and 60% in ethics monitoring. Based on the specific expertise of each ethics officer, one is often called to assist other colleagues.

b. Main Skills and Qualifications
  • Have a level of education, which corresponds to completed university studies of at least three years attested by a diploma in a related field of knowledge.
  • Very good command of English and a satisfactory knowledge of another European Union language to the extent necessary for the performance of their duties.
  • Professional experience in dealing with ethics issues in research of at least three years.
  • Well-developed analytical skills.
  • Outstanding drafting skills, with an eye for detail.
  • Good prioritisation skills and ability to work within deadlines.
  • Ability to work independently as well as with a team.

3.3 Unit B.3 Research Programme Expert Life Sciences

a. Job Description

The successful candidate will play a central role in two key tasks: the coordination of the evaluation and selection of research proposals submitted to the ERC grant schemes; and the scientific monitoring of funded projects.

The duties of the successful candidate will be one or several of the following:

Coordination of the Evaluation and Selection of Research Proposals

  • Provide support to meetings of scientific panels for the selection of research proposals in the area of Life Sciences by external experts, including the preparation, organisation, operation of the meetings and the documentation of results;
  • Provide support to the ex-post assessment of completed projects by external experts;
  • Contribute to the development of guidelines, orientations and new approaches relating to the proper implementation of the programme.

Project/Process Management
  • Assess the scientific implementation of projects in Life Sciences through periodic reviews, reporting etc.;
  • Contribute to the analysis of the ERC portfolio of funded projects;
  • As appropriate, analyse and assess the results and impacts of the programme, provide feedback and suggestions for improvement.

External Communication
  • Present the programme and project results at workshops, seminars, conferences and other public events, to both internal and external stakeholders;
  • Contribute to publications produced by the programme intended for external stakeholders;
  • Extract and disseminate best practices and facilitate exchange of experiences;
  • Collate information and draft replies to questions from external stakeholders;
  • Produce reports/minutes on high-level meetings as required.

b. Main Skills and Qualifications
  • Candidates should have a level of education that corresponds to having completed university studies of at least three years, attested by a diploma in an area of relevance to Life Sciences. Examples of areas: molecular biology, biochemistry, structural biology, genetics, ‘omics approaches, cellular and developmental biology, (patho)physiology, non-communicable diseases, neuroscience, immunology, infectious diseases, medical technologies, diagnostics, public health, ecology, evolution, biotechnology, plant sciences, veterinary sciences. Further research qualifications in an area of relevance to Life Sciences at PhD or EngD level are particularly recommended;
  • Very good command of written and spoken English and a satisfactory knowledge of another European Union language to the extent necessary for the performance of their duties;
  • Candidates should have appropriate professional experience as a researcher in Life Sciences for at least five years. Experience in the management of research projects would also be an asset.

3.4 Unit B.4 Research Programme Expert Engineering (two positions)

a. Job Description

The successful candidates will play a central role in two key tasks: the coordination of the evaluation and selection of research proposals submitted to the ERC grant schemes; and the scientific monitoring of funded projects.

The duties of the successful candidates will be one or several of the following:

Coordination of the Evaluation and Selection of Research Proposals
  • Provide support to meetings of scientific panels for the selection of research proposals in the area of engineering by external experts, including the preparation, organisation, operation of the meetings and the documentation of results;
  • Provide support to the ex-post assessment of completed projects by external experts;
  • Contribute to the development of guidelines, orientations and new approaches relating to the proper implementation of the programme.

Project/Process Management
  • Assess the scientific implementation of projects primarily in engineering through periodic reviews, reporting etc.;
  • Contribute to the analysis of the ERC portfolio of funded projects;
  • As appropriate, analyse and assess the results and impacts of the programme, provide feedback and suggestions for improvement.

External Communication
  • Present the programme and project results at workshops, seminars, conferences and other public events, to both internal and external stakeholders;
  • Contribute to publications produced by the programme intended for external stakeholders;
  • Extract and disseminate best practices and facilitate exchange of experiences;
  • Collate information and draft replies to questions from external stakeholders;
  • Produce reports/minutes on high-level meetings as required.

b. Main Skills and Qualifications
  • Candidates should have a level of education that corresponds to having completed university studies of at least three years, attested by a diploma in any area of engineering. Further research qualifications in engineering at PhD or EngD level are particularly recommended;
  • Very good command of written and spoken English and a satisfactory knowledge of another European Union language to the extent necessary for the performance of their duties;
  • Candidates should have appropriate professional experience as a researcher in engineering for at least five years. Experience in the management of research projects would also be an asset.

Unit B.4 Research Programme Expert Chemistry or Materials Science

c. Job Description

The successful candidate will play a central role in two key tasks: the coordination of the evaluation and selection of research proposals submitted to the ERC grant schemes; and the scientific monitoring of funded projects.

The duties of the successful candidate will be one or several of the following:

Coordination of the Evaluation and Selection of Research Proposals
  • Provide support to meetings of scientific panels for the selection of research proposals in the area of chemistry or materials science by external experts, including the preparation, organisation, operation of the meetings and the documentation of results;
  • Provide support to the ex-post assessment of completed projects by external experts;
  • Contribute to the development of guidelines, orientations and new approaches relating to the proper implementation of the programme.

Project/Process Management
  • Assess the scientific implementation of projects primarily in chemistry and/or materials science research through periodic reviews, reporting etc.;
  • Contribute to the analysis of the ERC portfolio of funded projects;
  • As appropriate, analyse and assess the results and impacts of the programme, provide feedback and suggestions for improvement.

External Communication
  • Present the programme and project results at workshops, seminars, conferences and other public events, to both internal and external stakeholders;
  • Contribute to publications produced by the programme intended for external stakeholders;
  • Extract and disseminate best practices and facilitate exchange of experiences;
  • Collate information and draft replies to questions from external stakeholders;
  • Produce reports/minutes on high-level meetings as required.

d. Main Skills and Qualifications
  • Candidates should have a level of education that corresponds to having completed university studies of at least three years, attested by a diploma in chemistry, chemical physics, chemical biology, materials science, or materials engineering. Further research qualifications in an area of relevance to chemistry, chemical physics, chemical biology, materials science, or materials engineering at PhD level are particularly recommended;
  • Very good command of written and spoken English and a satisfactory knowledge of another European Union language to the extent necessary for the performance of their duties;
  • Candidates should have appropriate professional experience as a researcher in chemistry, chemical physics, chemical biology, materials science or materials engineering for at least five years. Experience in the management of research projects would also be an asset.

3.6 Unit B.4 Research Programme Expert Earth System Science

a. Job Description

The successful candidate will play a central role in two key tasks: the coordination of the evaluation and selection of research proposals submitted to the ERC grant schemes; and the scientific monitoring of funded projects. The duties of the successful candidate will be one or several of the following: Coordination of the Evaluation and Selection of Research Proposals
  • Provide support to meetings of scientific panels for the selection of earth system science research proposals by external experts, including the preparation, organisation, operation of the meetings and the documentation of results;
  • Provide support to the ex-post assessment of completed projects by external experts;
  • Contribute to the development of guidelines, orientations and new approaches relating to the proper implementation of the programme.

Project/Process Management
  • Assess the scientific implementation of projects primarily in earth system science through periodic reviews, reporting etc.;
  • Contribute to the analysis of the ERC portfolio of funded projects;
  • As appropriate, analyse and assess the results and impacts of the programme, provide feedback and suggestions for improvement.

External Communication
  • Present the programme and project results at workshops, seminars, conferences and other public events, to both internal and external stakeholders;
  • Contribute to publications produced by the programme intended for external stakeholders;
  • Extract and disseminate best practices and facilitate exchange of experiences;
  • Collate information and draft replies to questions from external stakeholders;
  • Produce reports/minutes on high-level meetings as required.

b. Main Skills and Qualifications
  • Candidates should have a level of education that corresponds to having completed university studies of at least three years, attested by a diploma of relevance to earth system sciences (e.g. physical geography, geology, geophysics, atmospheric sciences, oceanography, climatology, ecology, global environmental change, biogeochemical cycles, and natural resources management). Further research qualifications in a subject of relevance to earth system sciences at PhD level are particularly recommended;
  • Very good command of written and spoken English and a satisfactory knowledge of another European Union language to the extent necessary for the performance of their duties;
  • Candidates should have appropriate professional experience as a researcher in a research area of relevance to earth system science for at least five years. Experience in the management of research projects would also be an asset.

3.7 Unit B.5 Research Programme Expert Social Sciences and Humanities

a. Job Description

The successful candidate will play a central role in two key tasks: the coordination of the evaluation and selection of research proposals submitted to the ERC grant schemes; and the scientific monitoring of funded projects.

The duties of the successful candidate will be one or several of the following:

Coordination of the Evaluation and Selection of Research Proposals
  • Provide support to meetings of scientific panels for the selection of research proposals in the area of the Social Sciences and Humanities by external experts, including the preparation, organisation, operation of the meetings and the documentation of results;
  • Provide support to the ex-post assessment of completed projects by external experts;
  • Contribute to the development of guidelines, orientations and new approaches relating to the proper implementation of the programme.

Project/Process Management
  • Assess the scientific implementation of projects in the Social Sciences and Humanities through periodic reviews, reporting etc.;
  • Contribute to the analysis of the ERC portfolio of funded projects;
  • As appropriate, analyse and assess the results and impacts of the programme, provide feedback and suggestions for improvement.

External Communication
  • Present the programme and project results at workshops, seminars, conferences and other public events, to both internal and external stakeholders;
  • Contribute to publications produced by the programme intended for external stakeholders;
  • Extract and disseminate best practices and facilitate exchange of experiences;
  • Collate information and draft replies to questions from external stakeholders;
  • Produce reports/minutes on high-level meetings as required.

b. Main Skills and Qualifications
  • Candidates should have a level of education that corresponds to having completed university studies of at least three years, attested by a diploma in an area of relevance to the Social Sciences and Humanities. Candidates with profiles in the areas of archaeology, palaeoanthropology, cognitive sciences or demography are especially encouraged to apply. Further research qualifications in an area of relevance to the Social Sciences and Humanities at PhD level are particularly recommended;
  • Very good command of written and spoken English and a satisfactory knowledge of another European Union language to the extent necessary for the performance of their duties;
  • Candidates should have appropriate professional experience as a researcher in the Social Sciences and Humanities for at least five years. Experience in the management of research projects would also be an asset.

4 Eligibility criteria - Secondment requirements#

Please carefully read the SNE Rules before applying, to ensure you fulfil the eligibility criteria for secondment.

In particular, please note the following requirements for secondment:

  • An SNE must be a national of an EU Member State or of a European Free Trade Association (EFTA) Member State (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland) or a national of a country with which the Council has decided to open accession negotiations and which has concluded a specific agreement on staff secondments (Turkey).
  • An SNE must have at least three years’ experience of administrative, legal, scientific, technical, advisory or supervisory functions.
  • SNEs are employed by a national, regional or local public administration or an intergovernmental organisation (IGO) and seconded to the ERCEA so that the Agency can benefit from their expertise in a particular field.
  • The SNE's employer shall continue to pay the SNE's salary, maintain their administrative status, and be responsible for all social rights, particularly social security and pensions. On this basis, the secondment is not an employment, nor does it lead to an employment.
  • An SNE must have worked for their employer on a permanent or contract basis for at least 12 months before the secondment and remain in the service of that employer throughout the period of secondment.
  • An SNE must have a thorough knowledge of one EU language and satisfactory knowledge of a second EU official language. An SNE from a non-member state shall have thorough knowledge of one EU official language necessary for the performance of his/her duties. English is the predominant working language at ERCEA and generally considered the lingua franca of the scientific community.
  • During the secondment, SNEs are subject to the obligations of confidentiality, loyalty and the absence of conflict of interest as provided in Article 7 of the SNE Rules.

5 Submission of applications#

Each application shall contain the following documents:

a) A detailed Curriculum Vitae in English, preferably in Europass format, which can be obtained at the following address: http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/en/documents/curriculum-vitae;
b) A motivation letter in English clearly mentioning the reference of the Call, the profile you apply for and your e-mail address for correspondence.
c) Your current contract stating that you are "employed by a national, regional or local public administration" and "have worked for your employer on a permanent or contract basis for at least 12 months before your secondment".
d) declaration on your current status of employment, indicating that you "shall remain in the service of that employer throughout the period of secondment". Specifically, your employer "shall thus undertake to continue to pay [your] salary, to maintain [your] administrative status throughout the period of secondment [and] shall also continue to be responsible for all [your] social rights, particularly social security and pension".

Moreover, candidates are asked to provide three professional references. These may be consulted should candidates be included on a Reserve List of the ERCEA (and thus have been successful in this selection), and should a recruiting service have shortlisted them in view of a secondment and wish to confirm the statements made in the selection process. Please note that in order to comply with rules on personal data protection, the names and contact data should be provided with consent of the persons whose name is listed.

Please mention in the subject line of the application your family name, the reference, followed by the title of the profile for which you wish to apply: FAMILY NAME – ERCEA/SNE/184/2020 – PROFILE.

The Permanent Representation, the EFTA Secretariat or the Permanent Delegation of Turkey must send your application to the ERCEA before the deadline to the following e-mail address: ERC-SELECTION@ec.europa.eu.

The ERCEA will only take into account applications received from the Permanent Representation, the EFTA Secretariat or the Permanent Delegation of Turkey by the deadline, which is Tuesday, 21 April, 2020 at 12:00 (midday) Brussels time. Please liaise with your Permanent Representation, the EFTA Secretariat or the Permanent Delegation of Turkey to ensure that your application reaches us well on time.


Candidates MUST send their Applications to the Permanent Representations, the EFTA Secretariat or the Permanent Delegation of Turkey.
Applications sent directly to ERCEA will NOT be taken into account.

6 Selection procedure#

6.1 Selection Committee

A Selection Committee will be appointed for these profiles and will comprise four members.

Under no circumstances should candidates approach the Selection Committee themselves, either directly or indirectly concerning this selection. The Director of the ERCEA reserves the right to disqualify any candidate who disregards these instructions. In assessing candidates' merits, the Selection Committee shall observe the principle of equal treatment.

6.2 Admission to the selection process

Once the deadline for the submission of applications through the Permanent Representations, the EFTA Secretariat or the Permanent Delegation of Turkey has elapsed, the Selection Committee will check the applications submitted for their profiles against the eligibility criteria as detailed above under Section 4.

Candidates may be disqualified at any stage prior to the completion of the secondment process should any information provided during the selection and pre-secondment phase prove to be manifestly untrue, inaccurate, incomplete, falsified, deliberately inconsistent or misleading.

6.3 Initial assessment of the applications

The Selection Committee will assess the applications of eligible candidates with reference to the selection criteria as detailed above under section 3.

6.4 Invitation to interview

Upon completion of the assessment, the Selection Committee will establish a shortlist of candidates best matching the needs of each of the seven profiles. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to an interview by e-mail from ERC-SELECTION@ec.europa.eu. Should candidates' e-mail address change prior to the completion of the selection process, they are asked to inform ERC-SELECTION@ec.europa.eu.

Please note that, as a general rule, for organisational purposes, the appointments set by ERCEA cannot be changed at the candidate's request.

6.5 Interview

The interview will finalise the assessment of candidates according to the selection criteria. The interview will be conducted in English on the ERCEA's premises in Brussels, Belgium, and may include alternative forms of assessment, which would be communicated to candidates prior to the interview.

6.6 Reserve List

The Selection Committee will include on the Reserve List approximately four (4) candidates per profile. The draft unranked Reserve List, in alphabetical order and broken down by profiles, will be submitted to the Director of the ERCEA for approval.

Candidates should note that inclusion on a Reserve List does not imply any entitlement to secondment.

The Reserve List will be valid for a period of 12 months from the date of its establishment. The validity of the Reserve List may be extended at the discretion of the ERCEA Director.

7 Notification to candidates#

All candidates will be notified about the outcome of their application from ERC-SELECTION@ec.europa.eu. In order to facilitate the selection process, all correspondence with candidates concerning this vacancy will be carried out in English.

8 Equal opportunities#

The ERCEA values difference and promotes equality. We apply a policy of equal opportunities and accept applications without discrimination on any grounds (such as sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation). We offer flexible family-friendly working arrangements (flexitime, teleworking) in consideration of operational needs.

9 Protection of personal data#

The ERCEA ensures that applicants' personal data are processed as required by Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 and Decision No 1247/2002/EC. This applies in particular to the confidentiality and security of such data.

A Specific Privacy Statement is published on the ERC's website at the following address: https://erc.europa.eu/sites/default/files/content/Privacy_Statement_SNEs.pdf

Candidates are invited to carefully read it, as it provides useful information about the processing of their personal data and relevant rights.

10 Request for review#

The ERCEA and the Selection Committee operate in the context of the general principles of European Union law as interpreted by the courts. In assessing candidates' merits, Selection Committees observe the principle of equal treatment.

If you nevertheless believe that one of these principles has not been applied in your case, you have the right, within 10 calendar days from the date when the letter notifying you of the decision was sent to you, to request a review by sending a letter stating your reasons to the e-mail address: ERC-SELECTION@ec.europa.eu.

Please quote in the subject line of your letter:

  • The reference of the concerned Call and, if applicable, the profile;
  • Your name;
  • 'Request for review';
  • The stage of the selection concerned in your complaint.

The ERCEA will forward it to the Chairperson of the Selection Committee if it comes within the Committee's remit, and you shall receive a reply as soon as possible.

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