
"Central Europe and Colonialism" organising committee meeting#

The organising committee for the conference on "Central Europe and Colonialism" will meet on 12 December for the first time.

The committee consists of proff. Pieter Emmer (Leiden), Siegfried Huigen (Wrocław), Michael North (Greifswald), Renate Pieper (Graz), Dorota Praszalowicz (Krakow) and dr. Dorota Kolodziejczyk (Wrocław).

The conference covers three themes:
  • migration from Central Europe to the colonies,
  • the genesis of scientific and scholarly discourses that developed in Central Europe in relationship to the colonial world and
  • the application of insights from (post)colonial studies to the study of history, culture of Central Europe.

The conference is planned for September 2016.

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