
Importance of research and innovation in Europe - a survey#

Estonian Presidency of the EU - Public consultation#

Research and Innovation: How to get more impact?#

Dear colleagues,

On behalf of the Estonian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, we invite you to take this survey regarding the importance of research and innovation in Europe. As Estonia takes up its leadership role, it will release a Call for Action to increase the impact and societal value of European Research Excellence.

The aim of the survey is to gather the views of key scientists, financiers, journalists, corporate executives, academics and policy makers. We invite you personally to take the survey because you are a key R&I stakeholder and your opinion matters. The survey should take no longer than 5 minutes and will inform the Tallinn Call for Action to be released at the Presidency’s Research Conference in Tallinn on 12 October 2017. Results will be anonymous.

Thank you for your time and input. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Ivo Alho via phone (+32 28 803 040) or email.

Warm regards,

Maryline Fiaschi
Managing Director

The participation in the survey is endorsed by Academia Europaea.#

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