
Nationalities Papers

Complimentary access to the first issue of Nationalities Papers#

Enjoy free access to Volume 47 Issue 1 of Nationalities Papers#

To celebrate its new partnership with the Association for the Study of Nationalities, Cambridge University Press is now pleased to offer complimentary access to the first issue of this year on Cambridge Core.

Enjoy free access to the entire first issue of volume 47, which includes the following articles:
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About Nationalities Papers#

Nationalities Papers is the latest high-quality addition to Cambridge's broad base of Political Science titles. This publication is the place to turn for cutting edge multidisciplinary work on nationalism, migration, diasporas, and ethnic conflict. The journal’s geographical emphasis is on the former Soviet Union, Central Europe, the Balkans, the Caucasus, and Central Eurasia. Its mission is to feature both theoretical and empirical work, and review articles. Nationalities Papers publishes high-quality peer-reviewed articles from historians, political scientists, sociologists, anthropologists, as well as scholars from other fields.

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