
Significance of Nuclear Energy to the Future of Global Power Generation#

The Academies’ Project "Energy Systems of the Future” publishes "In a Nutshell!" "What is the Significance of Nuclear Energy to the Future of Global Power Generation?"

While Germany is committed to shutting down all its nuclear power plants by 2022, other countries such as China, Russia and Japan are increasing the share of nuclear power in their energy mix. What role will nuclear power play in the future of both global electricity generation and climate protection?

The joint Academies’ Project “Energy Systems of the Future” (ESYS) provides clear answers to these questions in its new publication format “In a Nutshell!”. The project’s experts conclude that nuclear power will struggle to remain competitive in years to come. In order to be profitable, nuclear reactors must operate 24/7. Moreover, higher safety standards have caused investment costs to escalate, and costs have been pushed up still further by rising risk premiums for the permanent disposal of nuclear waste.

The “In a Nutshell!” publication is available at https://energiesysteme-zukunft.de/en/publications. We hope that you enjoy reading it and find it informative.

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