
Statement from the AE Board of Trustees in response to the publication of a statement by the Russian University Rectors Union on 4 March 2022#

Statement by the Academia Europaea Board of Trustees:#

“The Academia Europaea Board of Trustees joined with many other organisations that condemned, in the strongest possible terms, the statement recently issued by the Russian Union of Rectors https://www.rsr-online.ru/news/2022-god/obrashchenie-rossiyskogo-soyuza-rektorov1 through the President of that organisation – Professor Viktor Sadovnichii. The statement explicitly supports Russia’s criminal war against Ukraine. Further to this, the Board of Trustees have today taken the unanimous decision to suspend Professor Viktor Sadovnichii, from his membership of Academia Europaea.

This unprecedented action has been taken to allow for an internal investigation of any possible breaches of the regulations of our academy that may apply in these exceptional circumstances. The Regulations can be found on our website.”

Russian Union of Rectors

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