
Stick to Science

Stick to Science#

The Academia Europaea strongly supports this initiative “Stick to Science” proposed by ETH Zurich, EPFL, Universities UK (the association of 140 universities in the UK) and the Wellcome Trust. We would encourage our individual members to sign up to the initiative through this link: https://www.stick-to-science.eu.

About the Stick to Science initiative#

Political differences between the European Commission and the national governments of the UK and Switzerland are currently blocking the association of both countries to Horizon Europe. This situation is extremely unfortunate, as advancement in R&I is best achieved when all actors in science and innovation work together across geographic boundaries. This has never been more important than now, as the world faces serious global challenges (e.g., mitigating pandemics, climate change, and addressing food security). Allowing political differences to prevent scientific collaboration is contrary to the interests of society at large and puts at risk Europe’s international competitivity.

In response to the current situation, the presidents of the ETH Board, EPFL and ETH Zurich as well as Universities UK (the association of 140 universities in the UK) and the Wellcome Trust, are planning a pan-European initiative named “Stick to Science”. The intention is bringing together the voices of researchers, entrepreneurs and innovators, research funding/performing bodies and umbrella organisations in order to jointly call for open and barrier-free collaboration among Europe’s research and innovation (R&I) actors, who all share the same values.

In advance of the official launch of the initiative, the five initiative institutions are contacting key scientific/industry personalities to ask them to become first supporters. Already a large number of high-profile scientists / science administrators and institutions have pledged their support. You can find the current list of all supporters on our dedicated website.

The public campaign will be launched on 8 February during the Science Business conference: Horizon Europe.

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