The Jan Nowak-Jezioranski College of Eastern Europe

If you are a writer or poet and want to spend 4-8 weeks in Wojnowice, a picturesque village just 7 kilometers outside Wroclaw – European Capital of Culture 2016, we kindly invite you to send us your application!
Translators and literary critics are also very welcome to apply.
Participation in the program is open to applicants from 24 countries: Albania, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Lithuania, Latvia, Macedonia, Moldova, Germany, Poland, Russia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Hungary.
Writing Residency Programme is intended to support and promote artists representing a variety of literary genres, forms as well combining differnt styles. Applicants are also invited to cooperate with Lower Silesian artists and local community to exchange experiences and strengthen international cultural ties.
Wojnowice Castle is located just 7 kilometers outside Wrocław, close to the railway line Wroclaw-Legnica. The castle offers an extensive library and work space, a music room with a Bechstein piano, a restaurant and a cafe, guest rooms (all with private bathrooms and the Internet) and a large park. During the residency in Wojnowice there will be a chance to visit other urban centers and rural areas of Lower Silesia, including Wroclaw.
- The first call to the Programme runs to 6 March 2016.
- The second call will begin in June 2016 year.
- Before submitting the application please read carefully Rules of the residence
and Agreement template
- Applications for participation in the program may only be sent via the on-line application form available here
- Artistic Residency Program A-i-R Wro is conducted within the framework of the European Capital of Culture Wrocław 2016
The program is co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.
- The organizers reserve the right to host only one call for applications in 2016 in case of a large number of applications.