
Marcel Swart

Message from the Chair of the Young Academy of Europe#

Dear YAE members and alumni,

It is with enthusiasm that we present you with the third newsletter of this year, containing new initiatives, opportunities and activities.

This year, we will benefit from a joint annual AE/ALLEA/YAE meeting in Budapest, where in addition to our annual AGM activities we will introduce the first YAE Prize and inaugurate YAE as a Charity through a Launch Party. So save the date and come shaping history!

Budapest, 3rd-6th September 2017 - Save the date!#

The YAE is organizing a joint annual meeting with the Academia Europaea (AE) and All European Academies (ALLEA). The topic of the meeting “Sustainability and Resilience” is linked with the new Horizon2020 funded SAPEA project (Scientific Advice for Policy by European Academies), in which the AE and ALLEA are partners. The Young Academy of Europe will act as co-organiser for the joint Budapest meeting, which will take place from Sep. 4-6. During the joint annual meeting, the YAE will be represented by members in all six Plenary Sessions, following the proposal by our previous Board and selection by the AE and ALLEA. This will be a demonstration of the success of the YAE, and a great opportunity to showcase our expertise and involvement with research frontiers.

  • Session I, Europe: Culture, Heritage, Integrity, Resilience and Future: Maria Chiara Scappaticcio
  • Session II, Climate, Environment, Water and Future Earth: Kate Hendry
  • Session III, Economy, Resources, Energy: Yan Lavallée
  • Session IV, Health and Disease, Healthy Living: Mangala Srinivas
  • Session V, Scientific Advice (SAM/SAPEA): Marcel Swart
  • Session VI, Sustainability and Resilience of European Science: Alban Kellerbauer

On Wednesday September 6, we will introduce and award the first annual YAE Prize to Prof. Rianne Letschert of the University of Maastricht, Netherland.

Following the joint meeting a post-conference geo-field trip to the Bakony-Balaton Highland area is planned on September 7.

All this and more can be found at the joint meeting website: http://www.ae-allea-yae-conference2017.org

The YAE annual assembly, the board elections and the Charity Launch Party will take place on 3rd / 4th Sep-tember, with focus on SAPEA, National Young Academies, digital group management tools, and our YAE members.

The goal of this meeting is to foster collaboration between our members. Therefore, we kindly ask each YAE member attending the AGM in Budapest to prepare a one-page document (see template) with a recent photo, a very short abstract, a list of major techniques or skills, and a question/issue that they currently believe deserves closer attention from our community. These will be compiled into a booklet, which will be shared across YAE members and alumni before the meeting.

The schedule for the YAE AGM is as follows:

Sunday, Sep. 3
14.00-15.00 Introduction and welcome note
15.00-16.00 Ice breakers
16.00-16.30 coffee
16:30-18:30 Workshop
18.30-20.30 YAE launch party Monday, Sep. 4
09:30-11:00 YAE Elections (Board and Bylaws)
11.00-12.15 National Academies
12.15-13.45 Lunch
13.45-15.15 SAPEA
15.15-16.15 YAE Research Talks

The first day's programme will be supplemented by expert trainers from HFS Consulting (www.hfp-consulting.com), who you may be familiar with through their EMBO Lab Management courses. They will organise an ice breaker session as well as a Time and Self-Management Workshop.

YAE Prize 2017 awarded to Prof. Rianne Letschert#

The YAE Prize recognizes the outstanding achievements and contributions by early to mid-career professionals to support and promote science and evidence-based policy in Europe, science communication and more generally support future generation scientists and scholars in Europe.

The Award honours outstanding contributions and achievements that align with the core mission of the YAE. It is awarded, on recommendation of the YAE Board and the YAE Prize Search Committee.

The YAE prize (1000€) will be officially awarded at the Annual Meeting of the YAE, in 2017 to Prof. Rianne Letschert (University of Maastricht). A detailed curriculum and reasons for awarding the prize to Professor Letschert are available on the YAE website.

The YAE will award the first annual YAE Prize in Budapest on 6 September 2017.


Science Advice for Policy by European Academies (SAPEA)

SAPEA (“Science Advice for Policy by European Academies”) works within the European Scientific Advice Mecha-nism (SAM) and is carried out by the five European academy networks (Academia Europaea, ALLEA, EASAC, Euro-CASE, and FEAM). The Commission highlighted that younger Academies must play an important role in the shaping of European science, and the YAE has been invited to participate directly by answering to calls and nominating expert members. The overall objective of the project is to pull together timely, independent and evidence-based scientific expertise from more than 100 European academies from over 40 countries for the highest policy level in Europe and for the wider public. SAPEA was officially launched in Brussels on 13 December 2016 and is seeking experts in various areas.

The European Commission had requested scientific advice from the SAM High Level Group for a new topic, on “Food from the Oceans” (FFO). Based on the information in the SAPEA database at the Cardiff hub several YAE members/alumni were proposed and we are proud to see that three were selected* as experts or members of a Working Group for the FFO project.

  • Due to SAPEA’s policies the list of SAPEA Fellows/Experts are not published.

Moreover, suggestions for new topics are also sought. Please contact the YAE Board if you have a specific over-arching topic suitable to be put forward to SAPEA.

Introduction of the FYAE title#

At the March Board Meeting, the Board decided that effective from 15-03-2017 all YAE Members and Alumni are entitled to use the title FYAE - to represent Fellow of the Young Academy of Europe - next to their name, similarly as the Fellows of the Royal Society (FRS) and Fellows of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC).

Example: Prof. Young Researcher FYAE.

The use of FYAE is optional, but recommended to promote the prestige of our academy and the excellence of its members.

Update to the admission procedure#

As of 9 February 2017, selected members of any European National Young Academies (ENYAs) may be considered as having successful credentials to be admitted to YAE, at the discretion of the YAE Board. We encourage Presidents of ENYAs to propose candidates directly to the YAE Board, together with their CVs and a short state-ment of motivation for joining the YAE. More information can be found at: http://yacadeuro.org/join-us with the general and domain-specific criteria listed in this document: http://yacadeuro.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/YAE_Admission_v1.3_2017-03-23.pdf

The Open Science SKILLS survey#

Our former Chair Lynn Kamerlin, (member of the Working Group SKILLS under the Steering Group Human Re-sources and Mobility), invites all FYAEs to participate in the Open Science Survey commissioned by the European Commission: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/OSCDSurvey2017

Open Science is one of the most important policy areas currently, hence it is important to participate and have our opinions heard!

Survey Young Researchers#

The Directorate-General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission is launching a consultation among European youth and young researchers about Horizon2020. The deadline for participation is 9 April: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/YouthYoungScientistConsultation2017

Standing Up for Science workshop#

Sense about Science is holding a Standing up for Science EU workshop in Brussels at Neth-ER on Friday 9th June 2017: https://senseaboutscience.org/activities/standing-up-for-science-workshop.

To apply, please complete this form: http://bit.ly/2nuX7ve. Closing date for applications: 9am, Tuesday 9th May.


The EuroScience Open Forum is a biennial interdisciplinary general science meeting and the highlight of the European science calendar. The next ESOF will be held in Toulouse from 9 to 14 July 2018, and is constructed around the motto “Sharing science: towards new horizons”. Sharing science means bridging barriers between disciplines, communities and countries, making a link between generations, encouraging and welcoming citizen aspirations and initiatives, and being the anchor of a knowledge-based society. Sessions will focus on current and future path-breaking science and its ways of producing and sharing knowledge and innovation. ESOF includes all disciplines.

At ESOF, the word “science” is understood as encompassing the arts, social sciences and humanities as well as physical and life sciences, engineering and medicine. Science and technology are now embedded in a myriad of contexts, greatly affecting the everyday life of people across virtually every corner of the globe.

Many of the universal challenges of all societies are now pervaded by science and technology. ESOF takes into consideration transversal themes such as risk, inequalities, gender and ethics in the proposal for sessions, inviting in particular interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary approaches from the social sciences and the humanities.

YAE had a strong presence at the recent 2016 ESOF in Manchester (UK), both via the chairing of thematic sessions and through keynote presentations (Lynn Kamerlin, Sarah de Rijcke, Marcel Swart, Simone Turchetti, Yan Lavallée), see http://manchester2016.esof.eu/en/home.html. Research activities and the “trends” of our genera-tion were promoted in a number of ways, aiming to define the future of science in Europe.

The call for proposals for the Scientific Programme is open until Friday 2nd June 2017, and to continue and in-crease our visibility in this excellent high-level initiative we encourage YAE members to participate in the pro-posal of ESOF sessions.

YAE to become a Charity: Launch party in Budapest#

The YAE Board is preparing the registration of the YAE as a Charity organisation, including the corresponding bylaws, with the aim of having it finalized before the Budapest AGM meeting. Apart from formally approving the creation of the Charity, the Budapest meeting will therefore also serve as Launch Party for the Charity organiza-tion. Please save the date (September 3) and become part of history!

New members to the YAE#

The YAE warmly welcomes our new members: Gergely Maroti (HU, LS); Ingo Willuhn (NL, LS); Kerstin Bartscherer (DE, LS); Ivan Bedzhov (DE, LS); Sebastian Glatt (PL, LS); Julio Lloret (ES, PE); Aidan McDonald (IE, PE); Sílvia Osuna (ES, PE); Gemma Solomon (DK, PE); Gemma Modinos (UK, SH); Erdem Yörük (UK, SH); Peter Török (HU, LS); Zeila Zanolli (DE, PE); Raul Arenal (ES, PE). We are looking forward to more nominations, both by YAE members and alumni and by members of the Academia Europaea.

“A member for a member”#

As YAE member, please identify colleagues who you think would be suitable candidates and propose them for YAE membership! This is a requisite for new members (starting in 2017), within the framework of “A member for a member” campaign. Because of the underrepresentation of some countries in the YAE, and the “Spreading excellence and widening participation” aims of the EU, we particularly encourage nominations for candidates from those countries.

Note: there is no limitation to only one candidate, so if you know other excellent candi-dates with a keen interest for participation in YAE, please nominate them all!

The YAE is committed to grow its sphere of academics. At the Board Meeting in Paris, the YAE Board identified the need to foster interactions with National Academies to increase knowledge exchange across Europe. Please note that the YAE Board revised the application procedures for the members of trusted national young academies to acknowledge their achievement and involvement. Please keep this in mind when nominating potential new members, and also spread the word amongst your colleagues!

Applications for prospective members can be submitted at any time, and are reviewed on a rolling basis. Please find our admission guidelines online: http://yacadeuro.org/join-us.

Ongoing and Future activities#

Open Access statement#

The YAE Board is preparing a statement on publishing models. We think that the switch from a "pay-for-content" (closed access) to a "pay-for-publishing" (open access) has distorted the publication model, from which (young) researchers have not benefited. An alternative model, "Open Access on Demand", is discussed which shows great promise for researchers, publishers and funding agencies alike. The statement will be posted at the Forum, for discussion with YAE members, http://yacadeuro.org/internal/forum/index.php?topic=167.0, and will be made public afterwards at the end of April. We welcome all comments and suggestions from our members.

Brexit: the facts behind opportunities & challenges for both the UK & European Science Establishments#

For this debate, EuroScience (known for ESOF and EuroScientist) and the AE have invited distinguished panellists to discuss what BREXIT, in any of its variants, might mean for UK science as it leaves the EU while equally gauging the impacts for the remaining EU 27 science family. To do so, they will be presenting the latest data available based on the rich partnerships across the continent and the interactions with the wider world.

There will be two panels of four speakers (among which Nicole Grobert and Sven Bestmann) with one moderator first having a lively debate before opening it up to our 450 guests.

Royal Institution, 21 Albemarle Street, London; May 8, 2017, 13.30-18.00 (UK time)

Hercules meeting#

The Academia Europaea HERCulES group and the Wenner-Gren Foundation will organize a joint conference on “Crossing over to the future: Interdisciplinarity in research and higher education” (May 18-20, 2017; Stockholm). Our Chair will participate here.

March for Science#

The YAE fully supports the role of science and scientific facts in our health, safety, economy and environment. The March for Science is a global movement that is relevant for all of us. Would you like to show your support? Find the March closest to you: https://www.marchforscience.com

Twitter list#

We have created a list on Twitter with accounts of YAE members and alumni: https://twitter.com/yacadeuro/lists/yae-members-and-alumni/members. If you are not listed, please send a message to chair@yacadeuro.org.

Website development#

If you have expertise in web design (yourself or in your workplace), why not get involved? Please let us know if you think you could contribute to the design of our website.

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