

Annual Meeting of the Young Academy of Europe (YAE)#

Barcelona, Tuesday July 15th, 2014

YAE Annual Meeting, press release#

The Young Academy of Europe (YAE), an independent association of top young scientists and scholars, held its third annual meeting in conjunction with Academia Europaea (AE) in Barcelona, Spain to discuss views on current realities and opportunities for scientists in Europe from a younger perspective. Holding the meeting at the AE Knowledge Hub at the Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC) continued to strengthen the connection between established and emerging researchers on an all-European level. The YAE, which was founded in 2012 by a group of young scientists supported by the European Research Council (ERC), also prepared itself to determine its next generation of leaders and elected a new Chair and Board. Prof. André Mischke from the University of Utrecht and founding Chair handed over to Prof. Lynn Kamerlin from Uppsala University.

During the four days of the YAE and AE conferences, various guests from the ERC, national and international young academies, and the PhD student organization Eurodoc exchanged views with YAE and AE members on the role of young scientists in Europe and their current challenges. ERC Executive Agency Director Pablo Amor gave an overview of current developments within the leading international research funding agency and its ongoing efforts to support modern research careers with flexible funding schemes that serve the scientific community. The audience agreed with the concerns of the young scientists that it remains a challenge to shape a coherent science policy for Europe to secure a sustainable support needed for achieving scientific impact and give a perspective for the next generation of scientific leaders.

The scientific sessions were characterized by stimulating discussion surrounding eight short presentations linking the three YAE domains of physics and engineering, life sciences, and social sciences and humanities. Both the breadth and the interdisciplinarity of these talks highlighted the diversity of members engaged in the YAE. It therefore also continues to establish connections between generations and disciplines as reflected in the participation of various YAE members in the scientific sessions of the Academia Europaea Annual Conference. Researchers exchanged views and discussed some of their recent work from their respective domains. They addressed various societal challenges in the areas of health, responses to the economic crisis, and arising climate change parameters: YAE members presented novel insights into light-activated hearing devices, the formation of citizens’ collectives, and the accumulation of methane in lakes.

AE leaders appreciated the ongoing expansion of the YAE and its diversification based on the idea of a pan-European initiative that provides a platform for scientific exchange, science policy, and networking to widen participation across Europe and across all research fields.

Note: this is a copy of the press release by the YAE. For further information, please contact press-office@yacadeuro.org


9:00-9:15 Registration

9:15-9:20 Welcome

9:20-9:40 YAE - Presentation of activities and developments

9:40-10:40 Address + Discussion

Nuria Sebastian Galles - Vice-President of the European Research Council Pablo Amor - Director of the European Research Council Executive Agency

10:40-11:10 Coffee Break

11:10-11:30 New Members
Member recruitment - Introduction of new members

11:30-12:30 Elections
Election of board members

12:30-13:30 Lunch/Networking

YAE: Scientific Programme

13:30-14:30 HS (talks + discussion)

Jörg Peltzer: "Rank - new perspectives on studying socio-political orders in the Middle Ages"

Alexander Fidora: "The Latin Talmud and its Place in Christian-Jewish Poleic"

Simone Turchetti: "Deeply concerned with the environment? Revisiting the history of environmental science and politics"

14:30-15:30 PE (talks + discussion)

Gyürky György: "How to study the stars in the lab?"

Heather Stoll: "Changing atmospheric CO2 - stories of adaptation from the past and present ocean"

Kyle Jamieson: "SmartTap: Experiences Taking Wireless Research to the Market in the ERC Proof-of-Concept Programme"

15:30-16:00 Coffee Break

16:00-17:00 LS (talks + discussion)

Natasa Przulj: "Revealing the Hidden Language of Complex Networks" Madelon Maurice: "Mechanisms, moves, and mutations of WNT pathway proteins in stem cells and cancer”

Thimo Kurz: "Regulation of Blood Pressure by the Ubiquitin-Proteasome System"

17:00-17:15 EURODOC - Presentation

17:15-18:30 Plenary discussion: "The role of young academies in Europe"

Tine de Moor (Dutch YA)
Sibylle Baumbach (Chair, German YA)
Rob Jenkins (Global YA)
Martin Högbom (Chair, Swedish YA)
Moderator: Andre Mischke (Chair, YAE)

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