

The 2021 annual member conference of Academia Europaea (AE) and Young academy of Europe (YAE)#


During the week of 11 October, the four classes - Humanities (Chair Poul Holm); Social and Societal Sciences (Chair Björn Wittrock); Exact Sciences (Chair Don Dingwell) and Life sciences (Chair [Eva Kondorosi and Peter Hegyi]) will organise [with their Section committees] and run four separate Class meetings online. The focus, will be on new members elected in 2020. But of course the Class sessions will be open for any member to “attend”. These Class sessions will include a welcome and short presentations by new members and also an outstanding keynote speaker(s)/discussion session.

Introduction of new members elected in 2020#

Class A1 - Humanities(info)
Class A2 - Social and Societal Sciences(info)
Class B - Exact and Natural Sciences(info)
Class C - Life Sciences(info)

The virtual only class sessions#

14th October 2021#

  • A1 Class session - Humanities

    The first part of the session is jointly with A2. The second part is Class A1 only - welcome to 2020 new members.
    Organizer: Prof. Poul Holm

  • Class A2 - Social and Societal Sciences

    The first part of the session is jointly with A1. Second part is Class A2 only - welcome to 2020 new members.
    Organizer: Prof. Björn Wittrock

    Host Contact for the joint session: Nils Olav Sæverås Nils.Severas@uib.no
    Host Contact for Class A1 only session: Nils Olav Sæverås Nils.Severas@uib.no
    Host Contact for Class A2 only session: Joanne D’Arcy darcyjo@tcd.ie

15th October 2021#

Class B programme#

14:0014:10Welcome to the AE from the PresidentSierd Cloetingh“What is the AE?”
14:1014:15Welcome to the Exact and Natural Sciences Class BDon Dingwell (Chair)Introduction to the Class and Sections
14:1515:00Keynote lecture and discussionDomenico Giardini MAE
Chair: Don Dingwell
“Mars missions”
15:0016:30Welcome to members elected in 2020Chair Class and Section chairsShort presentations by members elected in 2020
16:30End of Class Session

18th October 2021#

Class C programme#

14.00 Quick welcome and introductions to the ChairsEva Kondorosi and Peter Hegyi
14:0014:20Welcome by the AE PresidentSierd Cloetingh
14:2014:30Welcome to Class C, Life Sciences Class SectionEva Kondorosi, Class Chair
14:3015:10Keynote lectureKatalin Kariko“Vaccine development and use of mRNA technology in other diseases”
15:20Approx. 16:30Welcome to members elected in 2020Peter Hegyi, Session ChairShort presentations by members elected in 2020
Approx. 16.30 End of Class MeetingPeter Hegyi, Session chair

The (virtual) plenary conference sessions#

The plenary conference sessions will take place on 20th and 21st of October. The event will be open to all AE and YAE members.

There will be a programme of outstanding AE speakers:#

Roger Penrose (2020 Erasmus Medal winner and recent Nobel Laureate - Mathematics and Physics) will deliver the delayed 2020 Erasmus Lecture, Ole Petersen (AE Hon. Vice president, Cardiff Hub Director and AE Gold medallist - Physiology) will present the Gold medal Lecture.

Other keynote lectures will be given by Quentin Skinner (Balzan Prize winner - Social and European History), Mara Dierssen (Cognition, behaviour and health), Don Dingwell (Munich Hub Director, Hon. Vice president and trustee -Volcanology), and Susan Trumbore (Balzan prize winner – Carbon cycling in plants and soils).

There will also be a Young Academy Panel debate and the presentation of the YAE Andre Mischke Prize for 2021 to Grant Hill-Cawthorne, Director of the UK Parliamentary Office for Science and Technology (POST).

All members are welcome to register and participate. #

Members elected this year (2021) will be invited to come to Barcelona in 2022 for a normal physical conference.


Wednesday, 20 October (PRBB Auditorium)#

10:30 Welcome to Building Bridges 2021
Sierd Cloetingh, AE President (Distinguished Professor, University of Utrecht)
10:45 Recap of Class meetings by Chairs
Class A1-Humanities: Poul Holm
Class A2-Social and Related Sciences: Björn Wittrock, Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study
Class B-Exact Sciences: Don Dingwell, LMU Munich
Class C-Life Sciences: Eva Kondorosi, Institute of Plant Biology, Biological Research Centre, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre of Excellence
11:45 Academia Europaea Erasmus Medal and Lecture, “Upside-Down: Revolutions in Physics, Old and New”
AE Erasmus Medallist: Sir Roger Penrose, Oxford University, and 2020 Nobel Laureate in Physics
Laudatio: Lord Martin Rees, Astronomer Royal, University of Cambridge
Introduction: Sierd Cloetingh, AE President
12:30Academia Europaea’s Gold Award: “Science, Scientific Publishing and Scientific Advice for Policy: 50 years of personal experiences”
Gold Award recipient: Ole Petersen, Cardiff University, AE Cardiff Knowledge Hub
Laudatio: Sierd Cloetingh, AE President
13:15Break for lunch
15:00 Balzan Prize Lecture I: ““The Amazon and Global Change”
2020 Balzan Prize Winner: Susan Trumbore, Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry
Chair: Sierd Cloetingh, AE President
15:45 Barcelona 2021 speaker I: “Volcanism: from wonder and fear to experiment and intervention”
Don Dingwell, LMU Munich and AE Munich Knowledge Hub
Chair: Sierd Cloetingh, AE President
16:30 End day 1

Thursday, 21 October (PRBB Auditorium)#

9:30AE Annual Business Meeting of AE members
Chair Sierd Cloetingh, AE President
11:30Welcome and introduction from the AE President-Elect
Marja Makarow, AE President-Elect (Professor, University of Helsinki, and Director, Biocenter Finland)
11:45 Balzan Prize Lecture II: “How Should We Think About Freedom?”
2006 Balzan Prize Winner: Quentin Skinner, Queen Mary University of London
Chair: Peter Wagner, ICREA and University of Barcelona
12:15André Mischke YAE Prize 2021 for Science and Policy
André Mischke YAE Prize 2021 winner: Marian Verhelst, KU Leuven
Introduction: Gemma Modinos, Chair, Young Academy of Europe (YAE)
Laudatio: Arild Husby, Uppsala University
13:00Lunch break
14:30 Young Academy of Europe (YAE) Panel: “Redefining Rewards & Recognitions for European Scholars”
Chair: Gemma Modinos, Young Academy of Europe (YAE)
Panellists: Michael Murphy, European University Association; Konstantinos Glinos, Unit for Open Science, European Commission; Rebecca Lawrence, F1000Research (TBC); Moniek Tromp, Vice-Chair, Young Academy of Europe (YAE).
15:45Barcelona 2021 speaker II: “The mysteries of memory: how it is stored (the engram) and how it is retrieved (the ecphory). How to erase, manipulate or cure memory loss”
Mara Dierssen, Centre for Genomic Regulation - Barcelona
Chair: Eva Kondorosi, Institute of Plant Biology, Biological Research Centre, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre of Excellence
16:20Close and farewell toastfrom outgoing President Sierd Cloetingh
16:30 End of Building Bridges 2021

Download the plenary programme(info) (last updated 12 October 2021).

See you in Barcelona!#

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