
Prof. Anne-Marie Mai
Prof. Anne-Marie Mai

Bob Dylan Questionnaire#

Professor Anne-Marie Mai, member of the Literary and Theatrical Studies section of Academia Europaea kindly invites the members of the Academy to participate in this questionnaire about images of Bob Dylan and to share it with your network if possible.

The aim is to explore the images that fans have of Bob Dylan - and how they use his songs. The answers will be used for a research article.

Please find the questionnaire here: https://www.survey-xact.dk/LinkCollector?key=75GJPSNAS511

It should take about ten minutes of your time. The questionnaire is anonymous, information is protected according to the European rules for GDPR, and email addresses cannot be tracked. The questionnaire is hosted and protected by the University of Southern Denmark.

Please feel free to share the questionnaire widely – anyone who considers themself a Dylan fan is invited to participate.

Thank you very much in advance.

Anne-Marie Mai

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