
Towards Development of Mediatization Research IV#

All researchers of mediatization are cordially invited to submit their proposals for the closed workshop Towards development of mediatization research IV organized by the Institute of Social Communication and Media Science, Maria Skłodowska-Curie University in Lublin, Poland and Academia Europaea Wrocław Knowledge Hub.

The workshop will take place online on 16 November 2020 and it will be led by Professor Mark Deuze from the Department of Media Studies at the University of Amsterdam.

The title of this year’s edition is:

Mediatization of everyday life: Media and love – transformation of emotions and relationships.#

We would like to invite all mediatization researchers who wish to discuss their own research projects in a narrow and closed group of media scholars under the guidance of an expert. The aim of such exchange is to answer questions like:

  • how love and romantic relationships are transformed in and though media,
  • how people really love their media (devices, platforms, content, and mediated activities and arrangements),
  • how media participate in the process of creating simultaneous real and fictional relationships,
  • how our emotional life transforms under conditions of mediatization,
  • how the theory of mediatization can develop in the context of the affective/emotional turn in the humanities and social sciences.

The idea and format of the meeting is based on a closed specialization workshop devoted to selected aspects of research on mediatization, in a formula proven in the previous editions, i.e.:
  • participants work on different types of materials (articles, works in progress, proposals, theses, reports, drafts, documentaries, performances, installations, etc.) under the guidance of the edition leader;
  • meeting is preceded by substantive preparation by the leader and all participants on the basis of materials circulated among all participants in advance;
  • during the meeting all participants focus on group discussion and expert feedback (presentations and speeches are limited to a minimum);
  • the seminar is preceded by an introductory lecture by the leader.

There is no conference fee.


  • 20 September 2020: submissions of proposals
  • 15 October 2020: submission of materials for discussion by accepted participants (only pdf format accepted)
  • 15 October 2020 - 15 November 2020: preparation for the workshop by the leader and all participants
  • 16.11.20: closed online workshop

Please submit a proposed topic and short description (5 sentences) of your paper (article, work in progress, proposal, theses, report, draft etc.) with information about your affiliation to Katarzyna Majkowska, Academia Europaea Wroclaw Knowledge Hub: majkowska@acadeuro.wroclaw.pl

Please do not forget to include Statement of GDPR consents:

I agree to the processing of personal data provided in this application according to “Detailed Information Concerning the Processing of Your Personal Data by the Municipality of Wrocław” attached to the call for papers.

Any substantive questions about the workshop can be answered by Katarzyna Kopecka-Piech, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, via email: katarzyna.kopecka.piech@gmail.com.

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