Evangelia Adamou - Curriculum Vitae#
- MA 1997, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
- PhD 2001, University of Paris 5, France
- Habilitation 2012, INALCO, Paris, France
- 2022 - 2024 "Atlas of the Balkan Linguistic Area"; French-Russian programme (ANR+RSF), co-PI with A. Sobolev, RAS (216,608 € for the French partner and 203,168 € for the Russian partner)
- 2019 - 2026 (premature end in 2021 due to departure of PI) "Romani language repertoires in an open world", Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Sweden; co-PI with K. Granqvist, University Södertörn, Sweden and D. Halwachs, University of Graz, Austria;(4,250,000 € in total, 1,500,000 € for the French partner)
- 2010 - 2012 "Electronic database of endangered Slavic varieties in non–Slavic speaking European countries (EuroSlav2010)"; French-German programme (ANR+DFG), co-PI with W. Breu, University of Konstanz (103,184 €)
- Participation in four international research projects
- Participation in six national research projects