Sos Agaian - Biography#

Dr. Sos Agaian is a Distinguished Professor of Computer Science at the Graduate Center/CSI, CUNY. Agaian was a Peter T. Flawn Professor at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) and a Professor at Tufts University. Agaian received a Ph.D. degree in mathematics from the Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), and a Doctor of Engineering Sciences degree (Institute of the Control System (RAS)).

He has made seminal innovations to computational vision, multimedia security, multimedia analytics, and cancer screening. Google Scholar Agaian ranks number 1 image quality, 2 multimedia_analytics, 4 computational_vision, 8 multimedia_security, 14 cancer_screening, and 23 data_analytic. Agaian’s research creates synergy between theory and practical solutions. A number of his exceptional theoretical contributions are internationally renowned as Agaian_Theorems, Agaian_Family, Agaian _Matrices, and Agaian-Panetta Perceptual Contrast. His research sponsors include DARPA, NSF, AFRL, Department of Transportation, Department of Energy, and private industry. He has published 750-articles, 10-books with around 12000 Google Citations, and h-index 45.

He holds 56 patents/disclosures. Agaian’s pioneering work has led to broader commercial impacts, including the spawning of two startups Latakoo, and BA-Logix. Latakoo licenses 3 patents on simultaneous digital media compression&encryption-related tools. He is the co-founder of 3 Universities Centers: Simulation Visualization & Real-Time Prediction Center (NSF), NVIDIA Research Center, and the National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense (DHS). Presently, UTSA’s cybersecurity program has been ranked the best in the USA.

Dr. Agaian gave more than 20 plenary/keynote speeches and 50+ Invited talks. He serves on the editorial board for 14 journals (including the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing the IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, and IEEE Systems). He also created/chaired several international IEEE&SPIE conferences, including Multimodal Image Exploitation and Learning, Mobile Multimedia/Image Processing, and Electronic Imaging.

He inspires lifelong learning, industry personnel, and student mentoring with 15 IEEE and SPIE best paper awards.

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