Sergio Albeverio - Biography#

I grew up in Lugano, after the Liceo, from 1958, I studied Mathematics and Physics at the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) in Zürich, ending in 1962 with a Diploma (Master) in theoretical physics, in the area of statistical mechanics (generalized Ising models) under the supervision of Markus Fierz and David Ruelle. I then continued at the “Seminar für Theoretische Physik” as Assis-tant of Markus Fierz and Res Jost, getting the Dr. rer. nat. (Ph. D.) under their supervision with work on mathematical physics (quantum mechanical scattering theory).

During the academic year 1967 – 1968 I was a lecturer at Imperial College (IC) London (with joint sup-port of the Swiss National Foundation (SNF) and IC), following invitations by Paul Matthews, Abdus Salam (Theoretical Physics) and Ray F. Streater (Applied Mathematics). For family reasons (sickness and untimely departure of my parents) I returned already in the course of spring to Lugano, taking up a job as mathematics and physics teacher at the Liceo in Lugano. This was followed in the fall of ’69 by a fellowship of the SNF, first at ETH Zürich and then at Princeton University, where I then spent the years 1970 – 1971 in the Departments of Mathematics and Physics (as researcher associated with Arthur S. Wightman and Edward Nelson).

From 1972 to 1977 I have been a visiting lecturer or professor at various universities and institutes:
  • University of Oslo (1972 and 1974 – 1977) with Raphael Høegh-Krohn,
  • University of Naples (1973), Institute for Theoretical Physics, with Gianfausto Dell’Antonio,
  • University and CNRS, Aix-Marseille (Luminy), with Daniel Kastler and Raymond Stora.

During this period, I also gave lectures at various other institutes including summer schools in Boulder (1971) and at the Advanced Study Institute, Denver (1973), and a winter school in Karpacz (1975). I also lectured at the IV. International Symposium on Information Theory, organized by R. L. Dobrushin (1976 in Leningrad), a conference in Torún (1976), and a Cours de IIIème Cycle at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (1977). Further stays and lectures I gave in that period include a course on quantum mechanics at the Postgraduate School of the Italian Mathematical Society in Catania (1977) and a series of lectures at the University of Bielefeld and the Institute for Interdisci-plinary Research (ZiF), where Ludwig Streit organized a research year in 1975 – 1976.

In 1977 I got tenure as Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics, University of Bielefeld (in the section Analysis/Potential Theory). I remained associated with that University in various ways since then, including the founding, with Philippe Blanchard and Ludwig Streit, of the Research Center for Stochastic Processes, BiBoS (initially funded by a five-year project of the Volkswagenstif-tung), and the membership in the scientific committee of ZiF.

In 1979 I became a full professor (Chair for Probability and Mathematical Physics) at the Ruhr-University Bochum. There I remained until 1997, when I moved to the University of Bonn as a full professor with the Chair of Probability and Mathematical Statistics.

Both in Bochum and Bonn I have been member of several Collaborative Research Areas of the DFG (SFB projects) and other collaboration projects of the DFG. Moreover, I had with Hans Föllmer a long- ranging collaboration project of the Volkswagenstiftung with scientists from the former Soviet Union. In Bonn I was also a founding member of an Excellence Cluster in Mathematics which then gave rise to the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics (HCM). Furthermore, I founded with Volker Jentsch the Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für komplexe Systeme (IZKS) of the University of Bonn.

Besides carrying out the activities directly connected with my positions in Germany, I also developed scientific collaborations and activities in various countries within Europe and outside, including long stays in China (Beijing, Wuhan), Japan (Kyoto, Osaka, Tokyo, Kyushu, Hiroshima, Nagoya, Nara, Sendai), Mexico (CINVESTAV), Russia (St. Petersburg, Moscow), Saudi Arabia (Dharhan), Tunisia (Tunis).

I have given plenary talks at over 250 international conferences and workshops. I have over 950 pub-lications in scientific journals, 12 monographs, 40 volumes of proceedings. I have been on the edito-rial board of specialized journals or book series and served as scientific advisor of various research centers (CH, CZ, F, P, S, UK). I have supervised over 110 Master’s Theses, supervised or co-supervised over 70 Ph. D. Theses and 25 Habilitations.

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