
Nikitas Aliprantis - Selected Publications#

1. “Acculturation as a Sociological Phenomenon”, Greek Sociological Magazine, 2016 (in print).

2. Shall the 21st Century be Illiberal? Subversive Sociological Evolutions with their Historical Aspects, Athens, 2015, 496 p. (in Greek, with some studies in other languages).

3. Crucial Legacies of the 20th Century to the Societies of Today,(2014), 2nd enlarged edition, Athens, 2015, 346 p. (in Greek).

4. “Degradation of the State and of its Social Functions”, in: Links and Rights. Volume to the Honour of Jean-Pierre Laborde, Paris, Dalloz, 2015, p. 253.

5. “Hans Kelsen: The Actuality of a Great Jurist and Sociologist of the 20th Century”, Proceedings of international Conference in the Athens Academy (2013), ed. N. Aliprantis, Athens, 2013 (in Greek). The work has been translated and published in German by Hans Kelsen-Institut, vol. 36 (eds. Nikitas Aliprantis, Thomas Olechowski), Vienna, 2014.

6. “The Sociology of Money and the Contemporary Evolution of Capitalism”. Speech, Athens Academy, Minutes, vol.87, Athens, 2012,p.103ff.

7. “The Emergence of a Legal System in Defiance of the Political Systems. Free Remarks on an Unprecedented Phenomenon”, in: Liber amicorum. Volume in honour of Bruno Veneziani, Bari, 2012, p. 15 ff. (in French).

8. Social Rights at European, Regional and International Level. Challenges for the 21st Century (ed. N. Aliprantis), International Conference, Democritus University of Thrace,(in Greek: Athens,2008; in French: Bruylant, Brussels, 2009; in English: with I. Papageorgiou, Bruylant,Brussels).

9. “The Social Rights are Full and Justiciable Rights!”, Report to the European Conference at the University of Cracovia ‘Poland in the European Union. The Social Dimension’, Managerial Law, vol. 47, 2005, p. 192 ff. (study published also in the review Droit social, 2006, p. 158 ff.).

10. “The Concept of Savage Competitiveness and the Globalisation”, Report to the International Conference Globalizzazione, integrazione regionale e diritto del lavoro, Roma, 2002 (in Italian), Roma e America. Diritto romano comune (review), 2003, p. 27 ff.

11. “Competitiveness, Citizenship and Labour Law” in: A Reforma do Pacto Social, International Conference organized by the Presidence of the Republic of Portugal, Lisbon, 2000, p. 437 ff.(in French).

12. The Protection of Persons Working at Home, Social Cooperation in Europe, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, 1989, 94 p. (empirical comparative study, dir. N. Aliprantis) (in English and French).

13. “The Political Vicissitudes of the Trade-Union Freedom in Greece”, in: Dallo stato corporativo all libertà sindacale: esperienze comparative, Milan, 1985, p. 37 ff. (in French).

14. “The Political Vicissitudes of the Trade-Union Freedom in Greece”, in: Dallo stato corporativo all libertà sindacale: esperienze comparative, Milan, 1985, p. 37 ff. (in French).

15. “Legal Pluralism and the Theory of the Sources of Law”, in: Etudes pour une approche critique du Droit, Thessaloniki, 1985, p. 109 ff. (in Greek).

16. Legal Order and Labour Collective Phenomena, Collection of Essays, Athens-Komotini, 1984 (in Greek, two studies in French), 88 p.

17. Recent Development of the Collective Bargaining between Social Partners in Europe, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, 1983 (in English and French),39 p.

18. The (French) Employers Organizations and the Courts in Social Questions, Foreword of G. Lyon-Caen, Professor at the University of Paris I, L.G.D.J., 1981, 102 p. (in French).Parts of the Work have been published in german and italian Reviews.

19. The Place of the Collective Agreement in the Hierarchy of Norms, doctor thesis (doctorat d’Etat), Foreword of H. Sinay, Professor at the University of Strasbourg, L.G.D.J., 1980, 364 p. (in French).

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