
Franklin Ankersmit - Short biography#

I was born in 1945 in Deventer (The Netherlands), studied physics and mathematics for three years in Leiden; then followed two years of military service. Afterwards I studied both history (MA in 1973) and philosophy (MA in 1977) in Groningen. I received my PhD in philosophy in 1981. Since 1974 I have held different positions at the History Department of Groningen University. I do contribute with a certain regularity to the public debate in my country and had/have columns in several periodicals.

I am founder and Chief editor of the Journal of the Philosophy of History (2007 …) aiming at re-establishing contact between philosophy of history and philosophy of language Co-editors are Mark Bevir (Berkeley), Jeff Malpas (UTAS) and Paul Roth (UCSC).

My main fields of interest are aesthetics, philosophy of history and political philosophy. I published in these fields some fifteen books, edited some ten more and wrote over twohundred articles. Some of these books and essays were translated into German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Polish, Finnish, Turkish, Hungarian, Portuguese, Indonesian and Chinese.

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